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4169 Results from /regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Technology, Transparency and the Quest for Clients

In the quest to entice more high-frequency trading firms to an exchange, one could take the approach of Singapore Exchange Ltd. (SGX).The platform may permit traders to buy and sell shares in smaller increments. This would give "electronic trading groups a broader range of potential points on which to compete," according to The Wall Stre


Retired Member

Retired Member 

No Time for Complacency

Over the past week, articles reported the latest data on UK Banking Fraud Losses (for example UK banking fraud losses at their lowest for a decade, 09.03.2011, Finextra). It is encouraging to see how the financial services industry has been successfully investing in fraud prevention for online transactions. I would however like to consider the


Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

Be Careful Of Earthquake Related Charity Scams

Internet criminals follow a similar editorial calendar as newspaper and magazine editors, coordinating their attacks around holidays, and the change in seasons. They further capitalize on significant events and natural disasters. Japans earthquake is a biggie. Whenever a natural disaster hits normal people get an urge to help those in distress. Our...

/security /regulation

Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

Mobile Payment is Coming

Near Field Communications, or NFC, is the exchange of information between two devices via wireless signal. For example, a wireless signal emitting from your cell phone can act as a credit card when making a purchase. This year, over 70 million mobile phones will be manufactured and sold with NFC built in. NFC can be used in other ways beyond credi...

/security /regulation

Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

Banks Need You To Be Responsibly Secure

Our culture deemphasizes individual responsibility. In my mind, life begins when you begin taking responsibility for everything in your life. Personal security is fundamentally your own responsibility and, while you may not be responsible for a crime happening to you, you are the one in the best position to prevent it. In the last decade, as much ...

/security /regulation

Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

Tax Related Identity Theft Scams Up

Cases of stolen tax returns have surged over the past five years, leaving many identity theft victims struggling to recoup their lost refunds. Approximately 155 million tax forms are filed annually. This provides identity thieves with an opportunity to come out of the woodwork and steal from Americans who are just trying to pay their taxes correctl...

/security /regulation

Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

Dumb Criminal Tries To Guess PIN 50 Times

What do you do when you are picked up in a cab and the driver suspects your home will be vacant while you are gone? The Manchester Evening News reports “A BUNGLING burglar went to the same ATM more than 50 times – to try and guess the PIN numbers of bank cards he had stolen. He thought he might strike it lucky if he kept on putting in random sets o...

/security /regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Compliance: Groundhog Day

Impossible to open a financial magazine or a blog without coming across an article related to “compliance”. It seems that the regulators have been particularly prolific these past few months. Up to a point that with Basel II for example, bank executives are responsible for the implementation of a secure BCP plan. However, can we explain this bunch...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

The Silver Lining in Greater Regulation

With the dust settling on Reg. E, the regulation that requires U.S. banks and credit unions to get their customers to opt-in for overdraft protection, it looks like banks’ revenue will not fall all that much because a surprisingly high number of customers, particularly habitual offenders, said they needed the facility. Seems that everyone went awa...

/regulation /sibos Innovation in Financial Services

Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

Mothers Book Recalls Serial Killer 07 MA Home Invasion

In July of 2007 on a hot summer night a serial killer was arrested after he broke into a 15-year-old girl’s room in Chelmsford Massachusetts in the middle of the night and tried to rape her. The girl’s father heard her scream and held the masked and gloved Lane in a headlock until police arrived, authorities said. At the victims’ home, the killer...

/security /regulation

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