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4169 Results from /regulation

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Retired Member 

Why EMV?

Why does the world care about EMV? The first, second and third reason is about stemming fraud losses. While there are some reduced operational costs via the decrease and automation of customer disputes, these are relatively minimal. People also point to the exciting potential of new, value-added products such as loyalty schemes, online banking two...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Up and Down Week for High-Frequency Trading

The reputation of high-frequency trading (HFT) seemed to swing as erratically last week as stock prices did last month. A survey found most traders wary of HFT; but some on Wall Street stood up for it; but the European Union. still wants to tame the technology. First Down ... Large scale dark pool operator Liquidnet polled of more than 300 global c...


Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

Hackers Target Small Business

Big companies and big government get big press when their data is breached. And when a big company is hit, those whose accounts have been compromised are often notified. With smaller businesses, however, victims are often left in the dark, regardless of the various state laws requiring notification. One reason for this is that smaller businesses t...

/security /regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Could UK banks lose 2bn dollars? Not after 2019 anyway...

I imagine most people in the City are dumbfounded that it’s still possible for a rogue trader to run up such a large loss. After all the investment that every bank (that I know of) has shovelled into risk process, controls, systems and people over the last few years. Is any bank immune? I’m sure many will be fascinated to hear how this remained u...

/security /regulation

Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

How Is All This Hacking Affecting My Identity?

Without question, 2011 is the year for hackers of all kinds to get their 15 minutes of fame. But it feels like it’s lasting a lot longer than 15 minutes. With so many different breeds of hackers, each with their own agenda and an endless supply of potential targets, the media has certainly been more than willing to give them all the attention they...

/security /regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Are compromised certificates the root of all Evil?

I returned from holiday to find another attack vector has raised its ugly head. Reading the latest news, at least two hundred fraudulent SSL certificates (and oossibly over five hundred) have been issued from a trusted root certificate authority (CA). In this case, it appears that Diginotar, the Dutch trusted third party has been breached and spoo...

/security /regulation Information Security

Elizabeth Lumley

Elizabeth Lumley Global FinTech Commentator at Girl, Disrupted

WTF - Is every trader an island?

So we all woke up this morning to find that UBS was reporting a $2 billion loss due to a ...wait for it ... 'rogue trader'. Yes, mistakes happen. Yes, fraud, abuse and criminal activity happen. But young Kweku Adoboli, a 31-year old trader in UBS's London-based exchange traded funds business, is not sitting in police custody, currently, because he...

/regulation Financial Risk Management

Retired Member

Retired Member 

EMV: Paving the road to mobile NFC

Why is the U.S. the last holdout to adopt EMV? The pain of a costly conversion and the absence of government or industry mandates to force the issue are the obvious, key culprits. Some forward thinkers, however, muse that EMV is a 15-year old, out-of-date technology and are waiting for something newer and flashier to “leapfrog” EMV and jump straig...


Duncan Ash

Duncan Ash Director of FS Market Development EMEA at Qliktech

The real time risk challenge

In a recent report from Lepus, senior representatives from global investment banks indicated that current approaches to risk management are inadequate. As it stands, global investment banks are at different stages in the move to real time risk management. However, all agreed that the ability to aggregate global data and take snapshots of their ri...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Sowing The Seeds Of The Next Housing Bubble

Here in the UK, mortgage providers are already sowing the seeds of the next housing bubble. I read in this weekend’s Telegraph about a product innovation that is ‘designed to help first-time buyers get on the housing ladder’. Expecting to read about how house prices would continue to fall to affordable levels, and thus enable people to actually ...

/regulation /retail Innovation in Financial Services

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