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4170 Results from /regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Managing the 'Big' in Big Data

My first post on the topic of “Big Data” discussed the context of the "four Vs" of Big Data in financial services: Volume, Velocity, Variety & Value. With the latest developments in the European debt crisis – including credit rating downgrades in key ‘AAA’ nations – echoing across the Eurozone and to the United States, the importance...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Should we blame technology for the current crisis?

“Beware of the geeks bearing formulas” said Warren Buffett. Although aimed at quants and their complex financial models, sometimes I feel this statement is as equally as applicable to members of the IT community like myself who are tasked with helping make such complexities reality. This year, my colleagues and I have had many a discussion on tec...

/regulation Banking Architecture

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Cyber Monday Kicks off Holiday Shopping Season

The first Monday following the US Thanksgiving holiday has become known as “Cyber Monday”; a day in which online retailers promote heavy discounts on merchandise to kick off the holiday shopping season. Cyberspace will be reeling with special offers enticing consumers to buy their products or services and get a jump start on the countdown to Christ...

/security /regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

The need for data theft deterrents

This case is just the latest example of how “trusted insiders” can pose a risk to an organisation’s data security defences and how they continue to by-pass them altogether, only to get found out when it’s too late. It highlights that while most organisations have invested heavily in securing their systems from “external” threats, there has been pr...

/security /regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

About Your Profit and Loss Next W - What?

Dear Bank IT Manager, In my last post I committed to send a new update once I ate my first rocket salad. Mission accomplished: It was simply delicious. By the way, you asked what P&L tools and vegetable patches have in common. Let me answer them straight away: Nothing. It is just that my vegetable patch is my passion and I cannot help mentioni...

/regulation Banking Architecture

Brett King

Brett King CEO & Founder at Moven

A Dictator or Retail Bank. Which is Easier to Save?

Bankers often talk about the 'trust' consumers have in banking as a defining characteristic of why customers give banks their money instead of simply keeping it under a mattress. Some bankers might have difficulty understanding why customers of today seem perfectly happy to give money to the likes of PayPal, M-PESA, Lending Club or Zopa. The fact ...

/regulation /retail Innovation in Financial Services

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Finance leaders: Looking to Generation Z and Education

Looking Back 100 years At a recent presentation at a Global Creative Innovation Conference, the audience was challenged to identify three (3) industries that had barely changed systematically over the past 100 years. The resulting list: 1. Religion 2. Education 3. Professional Services Understandably, few would argue that churches, temples and sy...

/regulation Innovation in Financial Services

Retired Member

Retired Member 

eBAM: All the Hype, Again

Electronic bank account management (eBAM), an automated approach to the opening, closing and management of bank accounts seems simple, right? So simple in fact, that when the idea was first introduced a few years ago, corporates were just clamoring for the technology. But, was it a pipe dream? Or just the wrong timing? Why didn’t it gain the tract...

/regulation Innovation in Financial Services

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

400 million euro; for what?

At a recent conference a senior member of the T2S development team said that to date €350m had been spent on development and this was likely to rise to about €400m due to the 9 months delay announced at SIBOS. Let me say it again €400m! When T2S was devised in pre 2006, the world was a very different place and in those days a technology platform to...

/regulation /sibos Post-Trade Forum

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Basel III, the new rules

Under Basel III‘s new rules, capital efficiency is no longer a mere function of return and leverage. The ability to collect information and process trades directly impacts the volume and breadth of activities a bank carries out. The convergence of multiple regulations has meant that banks are conducting enterprise-wide risk aggregation on an unpre...


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