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4170 Results from /regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Optimism and Alarm as Market Confidence Drops

“The financial service industry has an image problem,”market information and strategies magazine Financial Advisor wrote after last week’s SIFMA Private Client Conference. “Earning back trust was a common theme during the one-day conference.” There was optimism as well, with talk of nobility in financial services, increasing the “standard of care”...


Ronan Brennan

Ronan Brennan CTO at MoneyMate

On regulation .. Solvency II

This is taken from a series of blogs on various regulation themes that are occupying the minds of asset managers and fund administrators globally. While Solvency II is of European origin, it has global implications, and while it’s primarily targeted at the insurance industry, it has ramifications that reverberate deeply into the global asset manag...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Me and my data 2.0

Who owns my data and where it is? Google has a lot of info about me, banks and insurance agents have it too, credit card companies carry a lot of payment data about me plus several other companies and administational organisations. What if some of the data is out of date but based on this data my insurance is determined without telling me where da...

/regulation Transaction Banking

Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

FCC and Carriers to Create Stolen Phone Consortium

Stolen phones are a big problem here in the US. Many are stolen in robberies. Robberies are, by definition, violent crimes, and there are many instances of robberies of mobile phones that resulted in serious injury or even death. TechNewsWorld reports “Ten years ago, mobile phone thefts accounted for about 8% of New York City’s overall robbery case...

/security /regulation

Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

Employee ID Verification for Small Business

When hiring new employees the first concern is often “how good of an employee will they be” but in fact the first concern should be “are they actually who they say they are” because regardless of the nature of your business, an employee who isn’t actually who they say they are can wreak havoc on your business when there are no consequences to thei...

/security /regulation

Gaurav Handa

Gaurav Handa Director Marketing at Oracle Financial Services

A New Look at Liquidity Risk: Best Practices Part 2

Federal Reserve Governor Daniel Tarullo recently defended the importance of stress tests and regular capital review exercises in ensuring the safety and soundness of the U.S. financial system. In a speech delivered to the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago last week, Tarullo said that higher capital standards alone were not enough to do the trick, an...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Central clearing - putting a square peg in a round hole

The concept of centrally clearing all OTC derivatives - both standardized and complex derivatives - is flawed. The current regulatory expectation for institutional investors is to go through a central clearing party for an expanded range of products. Compounding this requirement is that derivatives will need to be reported through trade repositori...


Retired Member

Retired Member 


While discussions about the final contents of MiFID 2 seem set to continue for some while yet, the European Securities and Markets Authority has anticipated some important MiFID 2 issues in a set of Guidelines issued (rather quietly!) in February: Guidelines on systems and controls in an automated trading environment for trading platforms, investm...


Marc Murphy

Marc Murphy CEO at Fenergo

Client On-Boarding: Maximising Revenue Opportunities

Low levels of process automation across client on-boarding and account opening in the Investment and Corporate banking space provides on-going challenges for banks and financial institutions in terms of revenue growth, client service and compliance management. So why has this space remained neglected for so long? Well, in fairness it’s not so much...

/regulation /wholesale

Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

Business Data Breaches Key in Rise of ID Theft

The 2012 Identity Fraud Report: Social Media and Mobile Forming the New Fraud Frontier report released by Javelin Strategy & Research Data Breaches increasing and more damaging – “One likely contributing factor to the fraud increase was the 67 percent increase in the number of Americans impacted by data breaches compared to 2010. Javelin Strat...

/security /regulation

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