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4170 Results from /regulation

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Retired Member 

Cloud Undercover

Whether businesses like it or not cloud computing has crept into their infrastructures, in some cases under the radar of IT managers and is doing so via consumer technologies such as DropBox, SkyDrive and Oxygen, something which is turning cloud computing into a stealth-like technology. Many organisations have decided to taking a step back before ...

/security /regulation

Kevin Yee

Kevin Yee Manager at OCBC Bank

Lessons from the thieving hacker

Two days ago Finextra reported on the 'hacktivist' Reckz0r. In a nutshell, the hacker claimed initially to have hacked into Visa and Mastercard, and went on to leak hundreds of account info. No worries though, he is a nice grey hat who just wants to expose security frailties, so no card numbers are shown. Later, he explained that, no, it was some ...

/security /regulation

Martin Bailey

Martin Bailey Technology Product Director at Temenos

In Confidence

Confidence is a powerful force. A lack of confidence can be devastating. Have enough confidence and you can achieve absolutely anything. All financial markets are underpinned by confidence. Currency relies on the fact that you have confidence in the issuing central bank. Banks rely on your belief that you can get your money back whenever you like. ...

/security /regulation Innovation in Financial Services

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Market Risk: Basel 2.5 Final Rules-US

Regulatory Updates Rima Consulting. The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System voted to publish final rules (June 7th, 2012) on market risk capital. For Banks with a high proportion of trading assets and liabilities, the final market risk capital rule prescribes methods for calculating the market risk capital requirement (Basel 2.5) for ...

/regulation /wholesale Financial Services Regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Taking the Pain Out of Collection Claim Processing Part II

In Part I of my Taking the Pain Out of Collection Claim Processing series, I described the importance of maximizing recoveries. In Part II I will describe how you can use collection agencies as a strategic resource to help you maximize recoveries. When you have an agency relationship that is built on close collaboration, there arise multiple op...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Are banks ready for Counterparty Credit Risk under Basel III

Maturity across the Counterparty Credit Risk (CCR) and Credit Valuation Adjustments (CVA) space varies greatly across the industry. Our recent survey provided some interesting insights as to whether banks are ready for CCR and CVA under Basel III, thanks to detailed responses from our clients and academic participants. We found that there are clea...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

FATCA compliance: finding a way out of regulatory conundrum

While it hasn’t yet come into force, the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act ('FATCA') has already stirred some very heated debate. Regulatory bodies, industry experts and financial services providers have all argued about how this new US regulation is going to have a much wider impact than perhaps expected. The US Joint Committee on Taxation has ...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Spain seen from the eyes of Mallorca

As in all aspects of life, there are always at least two points of view for one same problem. If I come to think about it, there are probably as many opinions, as people are interested in Spain and the situation which we are living right now. Facts are simple. Standard of life in the country has risen from a mediocre economy to one of the importa...


Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

What Are The Risks Of Mobile Spam?

Spammers send unwanted emails or texts that are both annoying and frightening. Most spam messages are useless advertisements selling stuff you don’t need or want. In 1995, 8,069 unique pieces of malware were detected. One out of 20 emails were spam, and the Melissa virus infected hundreds of thousands. By 2010, 54 million unique pieces of malware ...

/security /regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Taking the Pain Out of Collection Claim Processing Part I

Most credit managers or directors manage multiple collection agency relationships for their B2B collections, yet the process of managing these relationships can be highly manual and complex creating lack of efficiency and transparency for both the company and agency. For many companies I come across, the placement of claims with a collection age...


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