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Latest /regulation expert opinions

Kristine Jakovleva

Kristine Jakovleva CMO at Advapay

How open banking will change after entering into force new PSR and PSD3

As of 28th June 2023, the European Commission unveiled a draft proposal for a comprehensive Payment Services package. This package comprises the third Payment Services Directive (PSD3) and a new Payment Services Regulation (PSR), which are set to supersede the existing PSD2 and Electronic Money Directive. Open banking opportunities in PSD2 PSD2 h...

/payments /regulation Fintech

Harriet Christie

Harriet Christie Chief Operating Officer at Mirrorweb

Communications surveillance: A company-wide consideration

The Securities Exchange Commission’s (SEC’s) primary function is to protect investors, by drafting and enforcing regulations which hold firms accountable for their actions. One fundamental example of this is that all interactions between brokers and investors must be scrutinized, to ensure no wrongdoing. The prevalence of digital communications i...

/regulation /wealth RegTech

Bryan Woods

Bryan Woods Distinguished Engineer at Rhino

Revolutionizing Real Estate: Unleashing the Power of Digital Transformation

Rapid technological advancements have profoundly impacted our lives, reshaping the very fabric of how we live, work and interact. Every industry has witnessed a transformative wave of updates, revolutionizing their infrastructures to thrive in a digital world. These sweeping changes have propelled industries into new frontiers and unleashed the po...

/payments /regulation PropTech

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Maintaining an ‘always on’ and ever-prepared financial institution

Managing enterprise-wide operational resiliency has historically been a complex problem for Financial Service Institutions (FSIs). One year ago, the European Commission announced plans to establish a Joint Cyber Unit to tackle serious cyber incidents impacting national infrastructure and businesses across the EU. There are many kinds of cyber inc...

/security /regulation Big Data

Yaniv Zecharya

Yaniv Zecharya CTO & CoFounder at FundGuard

Modern Organizations Need a Zero Trust Approach to Security; Here’s Why

Tackling fraud in the modern era takes more than just a secure login process. Accelerated by the global pandemic in 2020, organizations around the globe have shifted their business models to be more digitally oriented. Employees can work remotely from the comfort of their homes, while clients have greater access to a company’s platform, products...

/regulation /crime Capital Markets Technology

Iain Swaine

Iain Swaine Director EMEA, Global Advisory at BioCatch

Cracking Down on Scams: UK Government Taking Action

The UK government launched a three-pronged strategy for combating and eliminating financial scams in the UK in May 2023, under the direction of UK Home Secretary. There are three pillars: 1. Pursue fraudsters, 2. Block fraud, 3. Empower people. The lengthy 66-page report outlines the ambitions and goals of the new fraud strategy, broadening the s...

/regulation /crime

Nick Green

Nick Green Director at Purple Patch Broking Ltd

Strategic data procurement: Drive efficiency in Financial Services

In financial services, data is the lifeblood that powers every decision. However the current landscape is riddled with challenges, most prominent among them being the lack of transparency in data pricing. Opaque pricing models and disparate costs can throw a spanner in the most well-oiled procurement teams. But the significance of efficiency in thi...

/regulation /retail Banking

Louise Potts

Louise Potts Banking Team Manager, Customer Advisory at SAS

Firms told to “speed up” in relation to Consumer Duty: How can data and analytics help?

With all eyes on the introduction of the new Consumer Duty regulation this July, many businesses operating across the financial services sector need to “speed up” consumer protection preparations. This was one of the leading messages from Sheldon Mills, FCA executive director for consumers and competition, as some lag behind in making the required...


Jeremy Takle

Jeremy Takle Founder and CEO at Pennyworth

Consumer duty: can banks really become guardians of financial wellbeing?

In a time characterised by changing customer and regulatory expectations, the banking industry faces increasing challenges living up to higher standards – a potent example being the introduction later this month of the New Consumer Duty. In this article, we explore the limitations of old banks in meeting renewed expectations and discuss how new ba...

/regulation /retail Disruption in Retail Banking

Nick Green

Nick Green Director at Purple Patch Broking Ltd

Emerging trends in financial services procurement

With rising costs and growing data needs, financial services procurement teams are under intense pressure to optimise spend and make strategic decisions. This calls for a new approach - one grounded in data. Data benchmarking provides the visibility procurement teams need to drive real change. By comparing your data pricing, quality, and accuracy a...

/regulation /retail Banking

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