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4139 Results from /regulation

Neil Crammond

Neil Crammond risk education & real time market abuse at DIVENTO FINANCIALS


Recent court cases involving Navinder Sarao and Mike Corscia - along with Barclays $150 million spoofing fine - are very clear examples of a system refusing to react to manipulations even when they have the tools available to do so. Head of CME Terry Duffy said: "We need to get the facts from the case. This is a first trial-by-jury-case."...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Sprint or marathon? Find the platform performance that suits you

On your marks, get set … We’re all aware of the pressures: Banks need to provide regulators with consistent answers for each requirement or report. A unified view of risk and finance data is the only workable answer. It’s tempting to go with the fastest and simplest point and open-source solutions – they’re budget-friendly, and you’ll quickly matc...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

The trials and tribulations of a Compliance Officer - need for a 'regulatory compliance framework

These days I hear from many people who work in the regulatory compliance world that they are very busy people, working very long hours, their time being consumed with a number of competing and complex priorities. I will be posting a second blog next week outlining a holistic view to tackling these priorities. Though first I aim to analyse just exa...


Ivy Schmerken

Ivy Schmerken Editorial Director at FlexTrade Systems

Swap Execution Facilities: What's Next?

The US ecosystem for swap execution facilities continues to evolve, but not as rapidly as regulators and lawmakers anticipated. Despite the shift to electronic trading, some observers question if swaps trading has reached a new equilibrium. The vision of a buy-side trader sitting in front of a screen with the ability to anonymously click on stream...


Luke Trigg

Luke Trigg Co-founder at Logical Construct

FinTech in the cloud: are Industry Utilities the new reality?

Industry utilities are fast becoming the new reality in the post financial crisis banking arena, with Know Your Client (KYC) and Collateral Management initiatives already in progress. The main driver behind this utility model is improved operational efficiency and the associated cost savings, yet many large financial institutions have yet to brea...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

How to get rid of ETL complexity and extract the real business value from your data

THE CHALLENGE Business users must delve deeply into the significance of data relevant to their business requirements, but typically traditional ETL approaches to EDM are not the most effective, since they are used to move data between different data sources to populate Data Warehouses or Data Marts and feed other data applications. When complex p...


Martin Ruda

Martin Ruda Managing Director at Tall Group

The Future Cheque Clearing Model

The Future Cheque Clearing Model – a fraud management opportunity As the cheque industry gets down to work in building the Future Clearing Model (FCM) in time for the 2017 implementation, some continuing debate circulates the players as to where, and how, the liability for fraud sits in the ‘new world’. Does the liability remain where it has tr...

/security /regulation

Ben O'Brien

Ben O'Brien Managing Director at Jaywing

10 key steps to implement IFRS 9

In January 2018, banks will have to change the process that currently calculates their credit impairments. While 2018 may seem quite a long way off, there is a lot of work to be done in order to meet the requirements on time. Those who start now to work towards implementation stand themselves in good stead to meet the requirements on time but also ...

/regulation /retail

Neil Crammond

Neil Crammond risk education & real time market abuse at DIVENTO FINANCIALS

Michael Coscia part 2 ..................... when civil courts over ride regulators

I was asked to explain how this new court case would affect the market and WHY it has shocked the HFT companies who thought they had conquered the exchanges supervision depts ! MICHAEL COSCIA's CONVICTION OF SPOOFING / CHEATING last week SENT A HUGE MESSAGE TO THE MARKET PLACE . THAT MESSAGE CLEARLY SPELT THAT USING ORDERS THAT ARE QUICKLY CAN...

/regulation /inclusion

Ivy Schmerken

Ivy Schmerken Editorial Director at FlexTrade Systems

SEF Trading: Challenges and Regulatory Hurdles

The regulatory overhaul of the OTC derivatives market has brought mandatory clearing and electronic trading to standardized swaps, but many say the market structure is stuck, citing regulatory ambiguity and separate liquidity pools. While a significant portion of volume in interest rate and credit default swaps has shifted to new trading venues, pa...


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