Document remediation projects are not new. Anyone working in Capital Markets in recent years can probably describe the steps involved as they tend to be similar each time. Recent battle scars in the derivatives world include Uncleared Margin Reform (UMR) where large volumes of derivatives documents had to be amended – first for variation margin ...
29 July 2019 Banking Regulations
The legal industry is ripe for an injection of modern technology and that has not gone unnoticed by myriad start-ups all vying to bring the revolution. Creating better ways of doing things is often the easy part; the culture shift required for adoption is much harder, particularly when dealing with a profession steeped in tradition. The question be...
14 September 2017 Fintech innovation and startups
The upcoming regulations for uncleared derivatives have banks with large concentrations of contracts facing a daunting re-papering task. Help is at hand from a number of full-service vendors, law, process and technology partnerships offering to manage everything from contacting counterparties to drafting, renegotiating and providing data on the ...
11 July 2016
I agree that there are many considerations to take into account before deciding a SaaS solution is appropriate - there are situations where it certainly isn’t.
My point is that a balanced decision should be made based on facts and measured benefits, rather than pre-conceived ideas about what is suitable or not - ‘banking standard’ cloud solutions should certainly not have some of the shortcomings you mention in your article, but if they do I can appreciate why they would not be appropriate!
18 Nov 2015 16:46 Read comment
Alexander Dunaevco-founder at ID Finance
Ignacio JavierreCo-founder at HUBUC
Philipp PieperCo-founder at Swarm Markets GmbH
Alan SimaoCo-Founder at CCTech
Murad SalikhovCo-Founder at Schwarzwald Capital
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