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4139 Results from /regulation

Neil Crammond

Neil Crammond risk education & real time market abuse at DIVENTO FINANCIALS


In 2016 we have to ask what working committee agreed to allowing "last look" trading tool to market makers and platform providers ? Sadly the more information received only shows how abused this tool has become and in real terms how destructive it has been to fair and orderly markets ! Our regulators have to shoulder some b


Ketharaman Swaminathan

Ketharaman Swaminathan Founder and CEO at GTM360 Marketing Solutions

Privacy Does Not Equal Security

A few months ago, I'd posted the following update on social media: Privacy does not equal Security: Privacy is refusing to give out your mobile #. Security is refusing to give out your debit card PIN #. To which a friend had replied, "You made it so simple!!" Then I thought of bank account numbers and realized it wasn't so simple. If I to...

/regulation /retail

Nigel Farmer

Nigel Farmer Industry Director, Capital Markets at Software AG

Addressing Bottlenecks around Real-Time Risk Reporting

The demand for real-time information in today’s banking and finance world is constantly growing. There has always been a need for real-time data on the trading desk of course, but that requirement is now expanding into areas such as enterprise risk reporting, which has traditionally operated on more of a batch-driven, T+1 basis. Although much ...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

To be in great compliance and business shape, banks need to get fit at a granular level

To be in great compliance and business shape, banks need to get fit at a granular level Regulators are scrutinising credit exposures like never before and conducting deeper market surveillance. Take the Analytical Credit Dataset (AnaCredit), the latest in a growing number of regulations that demand large volumes of granular credit data. It represe...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Who watches the watchmen?

With much of the new financial regulation being passed and implementation for most of it in full swing, supervision is likely to gain more attention in the coming years. Since investment firms and infrastructure providers are largely supervised by national competent authorities, it raises the question who watches the watchmen? In ESMA’s 2016 work...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Overcoming fragmentation in the FX market

Over the last decade fragmentation has become the defining characteristic in the global FX market. While most of the focus has been on fragmentation at the point of price discovery and trade execution, the industry faces fragmentation on several levels: Fragmented sources for liquidity Diversification of customer types Low levels of adoption of s...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Why your Product is not a Project

There is an extraordinary anomaly in the business world, which it seems very few are aware of, but which to anyone with a logical mind must surely seem rather strange. The fact is that whilst firms invest vast amounts in their sales and business development processes, they spend very little on their product management processes. To give that state...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Chinese Checkers

I was listening to a debate on the radio yesterday morning about the Chinese authorities' inability to keep their financial markets in check. Amidst all the discussion on manufacturing indices, circuit breakers and the like, everyone on the show seemed to be missing the real point. Chinese financial markets are the perfect melting pot for capitali...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

New year, new regulations

Throughout 2015, many in our industry would no doubt have agreed that MiFID II was fast becoming the single most important EU legislation initiative. With the unofficial – but likely – delay until January 2018, the impact of MiFID II remains far-reaching, but at least this may allow for a more orderly implementation. As the new year begins, it’s t...


John Doyle

John Doyle Director at The Payments Business

5 things that will definitely influence payments this year

Usually at the start of a New Year we try to make predictions of what lies ahead; comparisons of previous predictions show we get it wrong more often than not. Instead this year I’d like to highlight 5 things that will definitely influence payments this year. One thing has become clear is that although many of the predictions are aimed at banks t...

/payments /regulation Trends in Financial Services

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