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4139 Results from /regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

MiFID II - back to square one

A proposed new law is currently making its way through the Brussels/Strasbourg law-making factory to delay the introduction of MiFID II. There is little doubt that the industry will breathe a sigh of relief when the delay is finally confirmed. However, the proposed new law has also encouraged legislators to consider further changes to the MiFID II...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Slicing up the merger mania cake

One of the great things about industrial logic is that it's easy to slice it up in so many different ways. This appears to be exactly what is happening with the DB1 LSE merger and the rumoured counterbids from ICE and possibly others. Reuniting Liffe (now owned by ICE) with its original clearing house (LCH, now majority owned by LSE) would be powe...


Sufyan Khan

Sufyan Khan Head of Pre Sales / Solution Consulting - Europe at Oracle

Preparing for automation in South Africa

South Africa’s regulatory authorities are taking a proactive approach to the local implementation of new global requirements, such as the changing Basel liquidity and capital rules. This commitment to best practice is increasing pressure on banks in the country, which must also comply with numerous domestic requirements, and is leading many firms ...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

US Implements EInvoicing and Reporting: Similarities to Latin America?

Latin America has long been at the forefront of business-to-government compliance requirements, and nations across the globe have taken note of how countries in this region have successfully cracked down on tax fraud. Now, the U.S. has introduced two new requirements – public sector e-invoicing and country-by-country reporting – with themes parall...

/regulation Electronic invoicing

Bernd Richter

Bernd Richter SVP - FIS Impact Ventures at FIS

Utilities are useful - global survey finds out

Across the financial industry a Capco/Finextra global survey confirms growing awareness that Utilities are useful – not least because of their potential to transform the way banks approach compliance. Now we know. This is more than ‘sourcing on steroids’. Utilities should be seen as a great deal more than ‘sourcing on steroids’. Well configured a...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Mexico SAT announces Electronic Audits to start 2016

In a recent interview the CNN Expansion, Aristoteles Nunez, the head of the SAT, stated that they will start to deploy electronic audits starting in the second half of 2016. This is a move that I have been discussing for the last 5 years and even more so in the last 12 months. Following a path similar to Brazil, Mexico is now in a position where...

/regulation Electronic invoicing

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Cash and liquidity: March Hares and Headlights

The other week we saw the Bank of Japan move to a tiering of negative interest rates against Japanese Yen (JNY) central bank deposits. In Japan the fear of negative returns in Japanese Government Bonds (JGBs) is beginning to drive funds elsewhere, however finding the same level of asset quality on bond investments as they would have against JGB’s a...

/regulation /wholesale

Hugo Cuevas-Mohr

Hugo Cuevas-Mohr CEO at Mohr World Consulting - IMTC Conferences

FATF-GAFI GUIDANCE - A Risk-Based Approach for Money or Value Transfer Services

The timing could not have been better. FATF just published – February 2016, a report that all Compliance Officers of this industry must read, entitled Guidance for a Risk-Based Approach for Money or Value Transfer Services (Summary – Full Report (69 pages). I want to highlight three statements in the presentation of the report: The risk-based app...

/payments /regulation Financial Services Regulation

Hugo Cuevas-Mohr

Hugo Cuevas-Mohr CEO at Mohr World Consulting - IMTC Conferences

The US Government Accountability Office -GAO Reports on INTERNATIONAL REMITTANCES

I think it is very important that every person in the International Money Transfer & Payments (IMT&Ps) industry reads the GAO Report published on February 16th, 2016, entitled INTERNATIONAL REMITTANCES: Actions Needed to Address Unreliable Official U.S. Estimate – Highlights Page (1 page), Full Report (62 pages). A second report published t...

/payments /regulation Financial Services Regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Who Needs Regulators when you have Fair Market Champions?

Erik Hunsader, the founder of Nanex, has been a frequent watcher of the markets. His twitter feed often has screenshots of suspected spoofing and market manipulation. Reuters declares him as “an outspoken critic of high-frequency traders.” Yet if you follow him on twitter you will see that he isn’t really outspoken. Rather he seems to be more of ...

/regulation Financial Services Regulation

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