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4139 Results from /regulation

John Cant

John Cant Managing Director at MPI Europe Ltd

You’ve been quiet recently - are you dormant, deceased or just gone away?

My previous post talked about the dangers lurking in a firm’s back book of existing customers and how to find and address them. A key part of this exercise is to understand the data that describes a customer, and hence understand whether they are a risk, a...

/regulation Trends in Financial Services

Retired Member

Retired Member 

RENTD Commentary

On March 31 Wall Street banks were required to provide the first annual CEO attestation as part of the Volcker Rule which was adopted in 2013 and went live in July 2015. As part of the attestation, each banking entity must demonstrate that it “has in-place processes to establish, maintain, enforce, review, test and modify the compliance program es...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Blockchain is the supreme friend of data management

Blockchain contains what everyone in data management, from data scientist to chief data officer (CDO), wants: Information that comes with complete provenance. That is data showing who did what, when and with full history from day one. Verified by many third parties, transparent, with complete reconciliation and secured by the latest in cryptogra


Retired Member

Retired Member 

CCOs at Brokers Require Probing Data Science

My first direct contact with compliance was confrontational. The team had just developed our first internet trading screens and we were excited to deploy them at some beta futures brokers. It was going to be the first time a retail person could actually trade the CME markets. A compliance person demanded that we identify the actual computer that a...

/regulation Financial Services Regulation

Guillaume Forget

Guillaume Forget Executive Vice President at Cryptomathic GmbH

The eIDAS regulation is coming. How can banks benefit?

As of 1st July 2016, the first phase of the EU's new regulation on electronic identification (eIDAS) will become enforceable. But amid all the confusion about its implications among both EU banking executives and their security experts, banks still have a lot to be excited about. The intent behind the Electronic Identification and Trust Services (...

/payments /regulation

Ivy Schmerken

Ivy Schmerken Editorial Director at FlexTrade Systems

Will the Buy Side Become Fixed Income Liquidity Providers?

Buy-side fixed income traders are prepared to play a more active role as price- makers on electronic trading platforms, as liquidity constraints have pushed them to redefine their role. Institutional traders at Markets Media’s Fixed Income Trading Summit on April 21 agreed that “behavior change” is necessary in light of sell-side firms reducing the...


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Major trends point to an interesting time ahead for asset managers

The asset management industry has undergone fundamental change in recent years amid increased regulations, geopolitical uncertainty and market volatility, to list just a few of the challenges faced. This article outlines some of the themes likely to drive behavior among asset managers during the remainder of 2016 and beyond. The global financial ...


Retired Member

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Greater visibility boosts profitability and performance

We’re all watching our pennies these days, especially in banking. The cost of capital is increasing while regulatory requirements become more demanding. Every decision about the viability of lines of business needs to be an informed one. An organisation can improve its offering, putting its pennies to work by evaluating the costs and returns associ...

/payments /regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Lights, Camera, Compliance?

Love it or hate it video calling is slowly encroaching into our daily lives. With Lloyds announcing last month that it was offering a video service to mortgage customers and other banks quick to claim they are following suit, it’s quite feasible that in a couple of years we’ll all have to be looking our best, even when working from home. The chall...

/regulation Financial Services Regulation

Retired Member

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81M USD missing via SWIFT: How banks can protect payment networks against cybersecurity attacks

SWIFT, the global messaging network used by banks to send payment instructions, was forced to warn its customers last week that “a number of recent cyber incidents” had taken place on its system involving fraudulent messages sent by cyber thieves. This was prompted by investigations into a cyber attack on the Central Bank of Bangladesh (Banglades...

/security /regulation

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