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4138 Results from /regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

De-risking the Risk-Based Approach

In today’s hyper-regulated Banking and Capital Markets landscape, institutions transacting business in key regions have aggressively implemented (albeit cautiously) intricate enterprise-wide control frameworks aimed at counteracting adverse effects arising from potential at-risk operations across all Lines-of-Business. A shortlist of these impacte...

/regulation /inclusion

Retired Member

Retired Member 

The Threat is Real: Battling Cybercrime in Banking

The year 2016 - popularly declared as the year of innovation - offers a safe cloud to the banking sector with launch of better practices, the advent of Artificial Intelligence and biometrics and creation of heavily armed, aggressive cyber firewalls… but does that make it “hacker” proof? Recently a Russian cybersecurity firm shook the world when it...

/security /regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

KYC Programs: the Guardians at the Gate

When most people think of Anti-Money Laundering (AML), they think of investigations into illicit account activity and filing suspicious activity reports on various types of financial crimes. This integral piece, while important, is just one piece of the AML puzzle. Having started my career as a prosecutor and then a member of a Financial Intellige...

/regulation /wholesale

Retired Member

Retired Member 

MiFID II - Commodity Derivatives Amendments - What's in a Change?

Introduced with the objective of fair competition and consumer protection in investment services, the MiFID II is grabbing headlines ever since its inception way back in 2011 - as a response to the global financial crisis. While MIFID II and MIFIR, in its entirety may be a colossal regulatory initiative, an area of special interest could be that o...

/regulation MiFID

John Doyle

John Doyle Director at The Payments Business

Want to know a secret about the referendum?

Before I answer, let me ask you if you’ve noticed like me that the European Commission has gone very quiet about the referendum. Cameron has stepped up the rhetoric but is not putting anything new on the table just countering Brexit arguments and Osborne – has he gone on holiday? Brexit have toned back their more salacious arguments and the prom...

/payments /regulation Trends in Financial Services

Retired Member

Retired Member 

PSD2 - What changes?

With the adoption of the revised payments directive (PSD2), the European Parliament mandated a revolution in the european payment industry. Under the new regulation, the playing field is finally level for startups in the FinTech space to play a more important role. Often though, we hear the same question: What does really change? What you will fin...

/payments /regulation

John Fernandez

John Fernandez Group Chief Compliance Officer at Banked

4MLD - impact of a new KYC regime for the e-money sector

The Fourth Money Laundering Directive (4MLD)[1] introduces a raft of changes to anti-money laundering (AML) regulation within Europe. These include obliging member states to implement central registers of beneficial ownership, expanding the definition of politically exposed persons (PEPs) to include domestic PEPs and introducing tighter rules on c...

/regulation /inclusion

Retired Member

Retired Member 

SONIA - A New Beginning towards Benchmark Buoyancy

In line with its strategy of reforming key interest rate benchmarks, the Bank of England (BoE) recently announced that it would be taking over as the administrator of Sterling Overnight Index Average (SONIA) from April 25, 2016. SONIA, which reflects the bank and building societies’ overnight funding rates in the sterling unsecured market, was adm...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Money Laundering, Bitcoin and Blockchain: Anonymity, Transparency and Privacy are not Incompatible

Whether it be the revelations regarding the “Panama Papers” and “Luxleaks” or the consecration of virtual currencies and the blockchain as means to facilitate the disintermediation and the anonymity of transactions, these two phenomena push us to ask ourselves: what are the legal consequences for anti-money laundering and privacy? Every indivi


Jamie Campbell

Jamie Campbell Commercial lead at Bud

The 'Seven Day Rule' for mortgages.

“Make the UK a world leader in digital provision – a place where technology ceaselessly transforms the economy, society and government” that’s the government’s ambition with the Digital Economy Bill. We’ve got the ‘Five Second Rule’ for food, the ‘Three Day Rule’ in dating-game and soon we may have a ‘Seven Day Rule’ and this rule that could be a ...

/regulation /retail

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