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4138 Results from /regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Faster e-commerce: Accelerating UK payments post-PSD2

Merchants, consumers, banks all stand to benefit from faster payments. But are they ready? The UK e-commerce market is Europe’s largest and is set to reach £90 bn before 2020 (up from £60 bn in 2015). But while e-commerce grows, the preferred consumer payment mechanisms are changing. The Payment Services Directive 2 (PSD2) will come into force in t...

/payments /regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Bank of England’s Risk-Free Reference Rates - In the Quest of LIBOR Replacement

Recap For the better half of this decade, one could not help but hear and acknowledge the growing phenomenon of Financial Benchmark Reforms - an aftermath of manipulation and false reporting of global interest rate benchmarks. From the Wheatley Review in 2008 to the latest European Benchmark Regulation, regulators, administrators and market partici...

/regulation Financial Services Regulation

Graham Seel

Graham Seel Principal Consultant at BankTech Consulting

How Industrial Operations AI Can Help with Banking Risk Management

At first blush, you might think the kind of Artificial Intelligence applications that are deployed in industrial contexts would have nothing to do with financial services. Whether we’re talking manufacturing, process control, utilities administration, or any other industrial setting, what could they possibly have in common with banking? The answer...

/regulation Innovation in Financial Services

Retired Member

Retired Member 

MAD about MiFID - market abuse in the new market

The 3rd January 2018 is a date that looms over financial firms, like a dark and ominous cloud they have to face in the not-so-distant future. On this date firms and regulators alike will be required under MiFID II and MAD II to monitor more transactions and to store more detail for each trade than ever before. What is changing? The Directive on ...


John Cant

John Cant Managing Director at MPI Europe Ltd

Will MiFID II bring Evolution or Revolution to investment research?

There has been significant discussion, and indeed some confusion, around the impact of MiFID II on investment research. Some investment firms, including M&G recently, have made announcements that they will no longer charge the cost of broker’s research to the investor’s funds, but will pay them out of their own resources – a potentially revolu...

/regulation MiFID

Mohit Joshi

Mohit Joshi President, Financial Services at Infosys

The rise of financial utilities

In a highly competitive business like banking, cost and performance efficiency is a major determinant of success. As a result, banks are always looking out for opportunities to derive a little more value from their already optimized operations, a search, which has only intensified in these tough economic conditions. One opportunity that has their ...


Stuart Lacey

Stuart Lacey Founder at Trunomi

Two years to comply: how to meet incoming EU Data Protection Regulation

There are now less than two years until the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) comes into force. It will fundamentally change the way that companies capture, manage and store information. Three significant reforms within the legislation will force institutions to overhaul their existing systems and processes: Informed consent Data portab...

/regulation Financial Services Regulation

Ivy Schmerken

Ivy Schmerken Editorial Director at FlexTrade Systems

Raising the Curtain on Treasuries

U.S. regulators are pushing for more transparency into the $13 trillion US Treasury market after several regulatory agencies found that the government securities market is more opaque than they realized. On May 16, the Treasury Department and the Securities Exchange Commission said they are working to explore collecting U.S. cash market transaction...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Targeting Market Abuse in Electronic Communications

Supervision of electronic communications is a key component of demonstrating compliance, alongside highlighting market abuse, bad decisions or just a general lack of understanding. But it’s also become a bug bear for many firms who are drowning in reviews, potentially missing the one rogue trade that could have wide-reaching consequences. There ar...

/regulation Financial Services Regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

What’s So Special about Regulatory Compliance Projects ?

Regulations are an ever growing feature of modern day banking arena. The phenomenon of regulatory compliance, though is not new, has renewed implications for these financial institutions by fundamentally altering the way business is conducted. Yet, the new wave regulatory reforms are far from completion. It is evident that one of the critical succ...

/regulation Financial Services Regulation

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