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4138 Results from /regulation

Keith Stonell

Keith Stonell Managing Director, EMEA at Guidewire

The Insurance Revolution: how insurtech is changing the face of my industry

When you consider the cutting edge of technology – the Internet of Things, drones, or telematics, for example – all these things have been quietly pioneered by insurers already to provide personalised products and services, years ahead of other sectors. Quite surprisingly, you might say that insurance is very much at the forefront of the fintech

/regulation /startups

Retired Member

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KYC utilities: no longer sitting on the sidelines

Roughly two years ago 'KYC utilities' became the big buzzword in financial services. It's not a sexy phrase but it does what is says on the tin – standardises requirements and mutualises costs. Fast forward to today and have these 'RegTech innovators' made their mark? Previously plagued by confusion in the market and slow going momentum, the indus...


Retired Member

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European Benchmark Regulation - Sufficient to Prevent a LIBOR Like Crisis Repeat?

The ink has not yet dried on the drafts of European Benchmark Regulation (The Regulation) and while the markets and the industry are trying to gauge the effect of this all encompassing regulation, one thing seems increasingly evident - the benchmark regulatory practices across the globe converging towards the same destination - of Restoring Investo...

/regulation Financial Services Regulation

Retired Member

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Regulatory Access to Trading Algorithms is Overkill

The former CFTC commissioner Bart Chilton went on record with CNBC saying that the Source Code requirements in Regulation Algorithmic Trading (REG-AT) is extreme overkill and a very slippery slope. Many in the listed derivatives trading industry strongly believe that ideas and methods that are expressed in our Source Code is critically important an...

/security /regulation Financial Services Regulation

Retired Member

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MiFID II data quality and reconciliation: urgent preparation needed

It was less than half a year ago when the European Commission confirmed that the introduction of MiFID II would be delayed a year, to January 2018. At that time, there was a general feeling of relief from most financial institutions facing a huge upheaval to be compliant with the new directive. Now that we’re a few months on, surely this delay h...


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MAS initiative towards Fintech innovation and improving user’s data privacy

More and more third-parties are requesting to access users’ financial and accounts information to run their apps, one of the most common use-cases is account aggregation and personal financial management tools. Recognising the trend toward innovation models, the recent Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) initiative introduces a regulatory sandbo...

/regulation /retail

Retired Member

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LIBOR, EURIBOR and TIBOR - Taking Stock Half-A-Decade Later

It is not surprising that the ripples created by financial benchmark manipulations from a half-decade ago are felt even today in the form of convictions, appeals, fines and more importantly tighter regulations and oversight. The steps taken by regulatory bodies across geographies to restore the investor confidence is palpable with the emergence of...

/regulation Financial Services Regulation

Nigel Farmer

Nigel Farmer Industry Director, Capital Markets at Software AG

Don’t let Regulation Choke Innovation

This year’s FIA IDX International Derivative Expo kicked off with a pointed note of caution to regulators from FIA’s president and CEO Walt Lukken. He said that the industry is facing some real challenges from new regulatory regimes and their costs to FIA members. “Unfortunately, so much medicine has been prescribed since the financial crisis that...


Retired Member

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Digital Compliance, only superheroes need apply

Compliance is big business. The four big UK banks have paid out $75 billion in penalties by August 2015 and 20 global banks paying out $235 billion since the financial crash. Compliance officers are in great demand and the scope of a digital compliance manager demanded by a major bank would give Superman that difficult moment of being selected. T...


Retired Member

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Enhancing the role of data and analytics in the fight against trade-based money laundering

Trade growth in Asia – Boon or Bane Asia is the world’s largest trade-finance market today. In 2013, Emerging Asia accounted for approximately one-fourth of the value of global exports. This is expected to become 40 percent by 2030[1]. However the growth in trade is becoming a double-edged sword for the region as it is also more susceptible to tra...


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