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4138 Results from /regulation

Ian Stone

Ian Stone CEO at Vuealta

How the CFO and finance can succeed on the frontline to complete a successful merger

2015 marked a new record for the number of mergers and acquisitions reported. According to Dealogic more than 38,000 were launched during the year. However, many of these, in reality, did not succeed. Certain large transnational mergers were undermined by the activism of the Obama Administration. Pfizer, which was due to merge with Allergan for $1...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

CFTC Enforcement Actions: Haunted Past or A Hopeful Future?

The aftershocks of financial benchmark crisis that shook the financial world not-so-long-ago are felt even today with the regulators around the world still picking up the remnants of investor confidence and nursing it back to vitality. The recent (May-2016) wave of Commodity Future Trading Commission’s (CFTC) regulatory orders surrounding alleged ...

/regulation Financial Services Regulation

Mohit Joshi

Mohit Joshi President, Financial Services at Infosys

Brexit: the way ahead for the financial services industry

To the regret of the financial sector and many businesses, the UK has indeed voted to withdraw from the European Union. While the actual decision has been met with disenchantment by the wider business community, the bigger concern is the lack of information and clarity over what happens next and how we get there. This is the ultimate challenge faci...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

In a rising market, are banking outsourcers pulling their weight?

The Quarterly Outsourcing Index [1] recently confirmed that outside the public sector, banks and financial institutions are by far the most prodigious users of business process and technology outsourcing. In the first quarter of 2016 the industry’s contracts totaled a whopping £324m, up six per cent on the same period last year. This comes as no s...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Brexit hangover

I was out fairly late last night at an industry function and almost forgot that I had an internal Brexit briefing this morning. As the memories of the fine Barolos I'd been served rescinded, I engaged with my dear friend and colleague Dr Voigt on what the whole Brexit thing might mean for our industry. Christian made some good points as usual, inc...


Mitzi Pryce

Mitzi Pryce Senior Consultant at BCS Consulting

FATCA: A Taxing Affair

Today (30 June 2016) marks the end of the two year ‘grace period’ for compliance with the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA), granted by the Internal Revenue Service of the United States (IRS). In this time, Financial Institutions (FIs) should have reviewed and classified all of their pre-existing customer accounts, and have recorded the r...


Ivy Schmerken

Ivy Schmerken Editorial Director at FlexTrade Systems

MiFID II: Brexit, Pain Points and Other Hurdles

Brexit Impact The UK’s Brexit vote to leave the European Union sent a shock through financial markets, but will it throw Britain’s compliance with MiFID II into a tailspin? From a legal standpoint, Britain is still under the jurisdiction of existing European laws for at least the next two years. Prior to the vote, pundits said that buy- and sell-...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

US Fed’s Alternative Reference Rate - Unearthing the LIBOR Replacement

Lately, If you are anyway related to the financial industry, chances are you would have heard about the buzz word of Financial Regulatory Reforms. A clear consequence of scandalous activity that dominated headlines for the better part of this decade - with the hashtag of #LIBOR. A lot has been done and a lot more has been put in motion by regulator...

/regulation Financial Services Regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Quote Stuffing Disrupting Markets

Is the price you are seeing on your investment screen the current price? How do you really know? What if you are an algorithmic trader? Is that price and size really there? Quote stuffing is a messaging pattern designed to disrupt normal market operations by introducing latency and increasing bids and asks into an exchange. This method of market ma...

/regulation Financial Services Regulation

John Doyle

John Doyle Director at The Payments Business

What next for Brexit?

Despite all the rhetoric the referendum was a recommendation not a legal fact. The PM, cabinet and Parliament can ignore the result and vote to remain in the EU if they so wish. The likelihood that there will be a second referendum is non-existent because the referendum process is a consultative one not as I said before, a legal one, why would you ...

/payments /regulation Trends in Financial Services

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