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4138 Results from /regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Why a meticulous approach to customer data is essential for omnichannel banking success

The increase in omnichannel banking requirements is driving the demand for high quality, trusted data to support customer engagement. While banks have been working with customers in real-time for quite some time, they now need to capture more than just traditional transactional data when interacting with customers to inform engagement with relevant...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Why Front Running Traders Hurt Fair and Open Markets

Front Running (a.k.a. Trading Ahead) is the unethical practice of a trading based on information about a pending order or trade that someone else needs to make or will soon make. Using this private information a front runner places an order in advance of another client for personal unwarranted profit. Typically this also disadvantages the person ...

/regulation Financial Services Regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Staying ahead of the regulatory curve in FX

Regulatory reform, including Basel III, Dodd-Frank, Emir, and Mifid II has led to significant changes in market dynamics including the move to-exchange-style trading and centralised clearing for products that traded over the counter, even within the FX market. However, despite years of discussions and proposals, many aspects of the regulation of ...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

6 Key Considerations for CRS Implementation

With the CRS compliance process proving to be a little more complicated than just an extension of FATCA compliance, six key considerations need to be taken into account when implementing a best practice approach to CRS Compliance. 1. Impact of CRS on internal policies, procedures, processes There is no doubt that CRS will have a significant operati...


Luke Trigg

Luke Trigg Co-founder at Logical Construct

Margin reform for uncleared derivatives: ensure you build on solid foundations

The upcoming regulations for uncleared derivatives have banks with large concentrations of contracts facing a daunting re-papering task. Help is at hand from a number of full-service vendors, law, process and technology partnerships offering to manage everything from contacting counterparties to drafting, renegotiating and providing data on the ...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

MiFID II’s catch-22

Under MiFID II trading venues are required to provide one of two options in order to support members’ testing efforts (RTS 7, Article 10). So exchanges can choose to offer either a realistic testing environment or a testing symbol. As testing can be terribly complicated, different views and opinions about which is better are to be heard across the...

/regulation /wholesale

Graham Seel

Graham Seel Principal Consultant at BankTech Consulting

How Many Lawyers Does It Take to Save a FinTech?

Bank regulation is older than you think. The ancient Code of Hammurabi, which predates Moses and the Biblical legal code of the Pentateuch, includes rules for interest-bearing loans (not more than 30% interest for past due loan repayments!) Since then, review of the history of banking shows that regulation of financial services has become more an...

/regulation Innovation in Financial Services

Retired Member

Retired Member 

MiFID II Check List - Is your data communications ready?

Regardless of the implications over Brexit, the spectre of MiFID II still remains. For some organisations, it will just require a strengthening of processes and procedures already in place to ensure communications data is compliant. But for others such as commodity traders who are now no longer exempt, it’s a much larger remit. The five points bel...

/regulation MiFID

Retired Member

Retired Member 

The main trends of development of the payment systems market.

When trying to define modern trends of the payment market in a few words, one could say that payments become: a) faster, b) safer, c) cheaper and d) easier. For example, payment by card in an online store is quite expensive: at the average, from 1.5% to 3%, in case of purchasing of some goods. The cost of an interbank transfer within the SEPA is o...

/payments /regulation

Joe Dunphy

Joe Dunphy Head of Product Management at Fenergo

Regulatory Impact of Brexit

As noted by the FCA, in terms of immediacy, much UK regulation derived from EU legislation will remain applicable until changes are made by the UK Government and Parliament post-Brexit. Having said this, Brexit will inevitably have an impact on in-train and future regulatory implementation. The longer-term impacts of the decision to leave the EU on...


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