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4138 Results from /regulation

Nigel Farmer

Nigel Farmer Industry Director, Capital Markets at Software AG

Data, Data Everywhere, nor any Knowledge to Gain

The management, retention and reporting of huge data volumes is so onerous that many financial services firms are missing out on the value of this data; they are awash in a sea of data with nothing to drink. Banks are dealing with ever increasing volumes of data, from trading data to communications and social media, coming from many different sourc...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

3 Ways to Digitalize the Client Lifecycle for Wealth Management

In my last blog, we explored the 3 core client lifecycle challenges facing wealth managers – regulatory compliance, operational and technological challenges and client experience impacts. Considering these challenges, it’s plain to see that the HNWI client lifecycle management process is crying out to be digitized. But what does digitizing the cl...


Ivy Schmerken

Ivy Schmerken Editorial Director at FlexTrade Systems

Smart New Rules for Smarter Order Routing?

Disclosure is the rage in financial markets regulation and the latest set of proposals relate to order handling rules. Regulators are seeking to boost transparency into the order routing practices of broker-dealers and trading venues that reroute their orders in U.S. listed equities across exchanges and other trading venues. As many know, on July 1...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

To meet complex KYC and Onboarding regulations RegTech needs to be industrial strength

Regtech is being added to the canon of financial technology buzzwords. But what does it offer and how should the industry embrace this concept? This increasingly common term is a subset of the fintech movement to find smarter technology solutions to solving difficult problems or tapping into great opportunities for revenue. Essentially regtech is


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Culture of Compliance - Do You Walk the Walk?

A Culture of Compliance…sure we have that. That’s what everyone says. But do you really? It’s not just about talking the talk, but walking the walk too. Maybe you have strong policies and procedures documenting all the necessary parts of your compliance program, but how are those carried out and embodied by your employees and management? Revie...

/regulation /retail

David Andrzejek

David Andrzejek VP Vertical Solutions at Datastax

Brexit means Brexit, but London could keep its fintech crown

For years, London has been the fintech capital of the world. Is that likely to change now that Britain is gearing up to leave the EU before April 2019? While U.S. regulators have struggled to create a regulatory framework that supports innovation in banking, the U.K. and fellow European Union nations have charged full steam ahead toward open ba

/regulation /retail

Diederick Van Thiel

Diederick Van Thiel Visionary Board Member | CEO | NED at AdviceRobo | Ecology Innovations | IKANO | Channel

New strategic credit weapons in the 2017 banking battle on cost income

New technologies drive cost/income breakthroughs New technologies like machine learning, biometry and block chain have entered the financial industry and will impact the banking battle on cost/income big time! The results of the Finextra/AdviceRobo survey produced this summer on Robo-Advice show that there is an increasing awareness of the potenti...

/regulation /startups

Retired Member

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Weighing up best-ex and best innovation

Competition amongst exchanges was a defining theme in MiFID I, but when it comes to best execution and trading venue fee structures, MiFID II might reverse some of that. MiFID II acknowledges that exchanges compete on fee structures and even establishes some basic rules (see RTS 10). But by tightening the bolts on best execution obligations, the n...


Retired Member

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Artificial Ignorance - Not Normal Is an Opportunity

‘Artificial Ignorance’ may sound like a parody that expresses a blissful retreat from the hype and fears of Artificial Intelligence. But it is not. In this case, ignorance is the act of ignoring unimportant data, allowing you to focus on what is important and necessary in order to create value. Introduction “Artificial Ignorance” is a term that re...

/regulation Innovation in Financial Services

Retired Member

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Don’t be that company

Violating sanctions can be deadly for a business. Compliance is the answer, but how can corporates – traditionally less regulated than their banking counterparts – ensure this? While there have been several major sanctions violations making the news in the past few years, the bulk of these stories have been focussed on banks, mainly as they are mor...


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