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4138 Results from /regulation

Jens Woloszczak

Jens Woloszczak CEO and Founder at Spotcap

Open banking, what’s needed to move forward?

Around the world, regulators are considering ways to encourage traditional players to ‘open up’ customer data to stimulate competition and standardise security protocols. While regulation is already on the way in some parts of the world, it alone cannot ensure the successful implementation of an open architecture framework in banking and finance. ...

/regulation Trends in Financial Services

Vipin Kumar Sharma

Vipin Kumar Sharma IT and Consulting Delivery Manager at Infosys Ltd

Inefficient IT Systems - Challenges for Operation Risk Management

Recently one news article caught my attention and reminded me of an exceptional experience of my trading days. A German bank accidentally transferred more than 5 billion euros to four other banks due to some internal system issues. Interestingly, this is not the first time for this bank. Even earlier, just when Lehman Brothers filed for bankrupt

/security /regulation Operational Risk Management

Henri Wajsblat

Henri Wajsblat Financial Services Expert at Anaplan

The new twists in the road for the future of CCAR

Henri Wajsblat, Anaplan’s Director of Financial Services for Product Marketing, interviews Comprehensive Capital Analysis Review (CCAR) expert, Kenneth Gustin, Ph.D., on regulatory reporting programs in the U.S. banking industry and the new opportunities driven by recent technology innovations. Q: Some might say that CCAR/DFAST (Dodd-Frank Act Str...

/regulation Financial Services Regulation

Ketharaman Swaminathan

Ketharaman Swaminathan Founder and CEO at GTM360 Marketing Solutions

Quantifying The Risk Of Online Payment Failure

I had to pay college fees of INR 300,000 (~US$ 4615). The college supported an array of digital and paper-based payment options viz. Digital: Log in to college website, use college’s ePayment Gateway and pay by Credit Card. Paper: Demand Draft. I evaluated the pros and cons of both options. DIGITAL PAYMENT Pros: Credit card reward points: 3000 (@ ...

/payments /regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Preventing Due Diligence Issues with FinTech and RegTech

Being the subject of an audit or regulatory exam can be a nerve-wracking ordeal. Given most banks disparate systems, inconsistent manual processes, and ever existing human error – there is generally real fear that an issue will be found, despite the best efforts of competent people. Enter FinTech and RegTech. By utilizing these solutions to unify ...

/regulation Financial Services Regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

The High Frequency and The Furious - Clock Drift

In part one, I talked about the time synchronisation requirements coming into effect with regulations like MiFID II. Today I’d like to delve into some of the challenges that await us in tackling these requirements. Like any good sequel, this is where we take the concept from the original and expand it! Be warned however that as the middle act t...

/regulation MiFID

Maryse Gordon

Maryse Gordon North American Business Development and Pre-Sales at UnaVista, London Stock Exchange Group

Consolidate Audit Trail - Timeliness of Reporting

Consolidate Audit Trail –Thought Leadership: Timeliness of Reporting While US broker dealers anticipate the initiation of the Consolidated Audit Trail (CAT), many aspects of this regulation remains a topic of conversation for the industry. One area of particular interest is on the subject of timeliness for reporting. ‘Timeliness’ has been defined a...


Rolf Van Der Pol

Rolf Van Der Pol MD at i-KYC

Lack of confidence in your AML CFT program? Why?

A substantial number of compliance officers (about 44 per cent) lack confidence in the anti-money laundering (AML) programs of their organizations, according to a new report (#mce_temp_url#) That’s an interesting finding since compliance officers are ultimately responsible for compliance of the whole organization in their role as MLRO. The pace an...

/regulation Asia Financial Services

Retired Member

Retired Member 

MiFID II: Revenge of The Regulator

I'm a movie lover. I've seen more than the average person and can re-watch the same film hundreds of times (I'm looking at you Star Wars, Jaws, Ghostbusters…). When you watch a lot of movies you start to spot the tropes, those little repeating themes, devices or motifs. One of my favourites is always just before the big third act set piece, in th...

/regulation MiFID

Retired Member

Retired Member 

What are the Barriers to FinTech Investment?

Is 2017 truly a year of investment for fintech innovation as has been suggested? A report at the end of last year by law firm, Mayer Brown, suggested that financial services firms are keen to make an investment, yet they remain cautious due to the complications presented by strict and changing industry regulation. The report highlights the eager...

/regulation Fintech innovation and startups

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