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4138 Results from /regulation

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GDPR and the redefining of personal data

May 2018 will see the introduction of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The law covers organisations that employ over 250 people, and that either service EU citizens, or who store people’s data within the EU. GDPR will revolutionise our rights to access, manage and control our data. Organisations will need to get explicit permission t...

/security /regulation

Ivy Schmerken

Ivy Schmerken Editorial Director at FlexTrade Systems

Order Protection Rule Tug-of-War

There is still uncertainty around the fate of the Order Protection Rule, a key rule governing U.S. stock trading that has led to more complexity, speed and order types, but also protects retail investors from receiving inferior prices on their orders. Also known as the trade-through rule, Rule 611 has been and still is a central tenet of Regulatio...

/regulation Financial Services Regulation

Henri Wajsblat

Henri Wajsblat Financial Services Expert at Anaplan

2017 - The Year of Cost-Cutting

2016 was punctuated by a large number of banks announcing their intentions to cut costs. In the UK we saw efficiency drives from the like of HSBC and Lloyds Banking Group, with the latter publicly targeting a further 20% belt-tightening by the end of 2017. RBS made cuts on its investment banking side, and Barclays described itself as “unrelenting ...

/regulation Trends in Financial Services

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Rise of the machines - understanding automation

Whilst there’s little denying that AI, machine learning and automation are some of the most important developing technologies, headlines that announce: “The robots are taking our jobs!” may be a little premature. When it comes to the accounting department there’s no technology (yet) that can match the problem-solving adaptability of an experienced...

/regulation Trends in Financial Services

Retired Member

Retired Member 

WhatsApp: A reminder that MiFID II compliance is about content not channel

As the FCA publishes its near final rules on MiFID II and fines a former investment banker for sharing confidential information over WhatsApp, now is a good time to look at why firms need to be able to find content and understand the context of a conversation quickly and easily, irrespective of the applications in use. The nature of the modern wor...

/regulation Financial Services Regulation

Saloni Ramakrishna

Saloni Ramakrishna Author; Senior Director at Oracle

AnaCredit - the Nuanced regulation

I am quite fascinated with the European Central Bank’s (ECB’s) AnaCredit Regulation that came into effect on 18th May 2016 – A regulation that requires granular credit data sets from the national central banks (NCBs) of the member countries based on the data they collect from their constituents- Banks and Credit Institutions. The project was initi...

/regulation Financial Services Regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Bitcoin ETF Bites the Dust, Needs More Security

When the SEC, last month, announced the proposal from Winklevoss Bitcoin Trust was declined, they made a clear statement to the cryptocurrency community: more security is needed. In their terms, they did not "find the proposal to be consistent with Section 6(b)(5) of the Exchange Act, which requires, among other things, that the rules of a nat...

/regulation Disruption in Retail Banking

Retired Member

Retired Member 

MiFID II - a catalyst for innovation

Trading in auctions – in contrast to continuous matching – has long been poised to grow under MiFID II, due to the technicalities in the pre-trade transparency regime and its waivers. With the go-live date edging ever-closer, the regulation has become a catalyst for innovation instead of being merely a cost of doing business. Exchanges are current...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Tell Me Once: The next decade of consumer communications

Every business quickly learns the value of the conversations they have with their customers. They aren’t only the lifeblood of any organisation fuelling transactions and growth but also offer invaluable insight into what clients want and how they communicate. The looming implementation of the MiFID II directive for financial services institutions ...

/regulation Trends in Financial Services

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Evolving the AML Compliance Officer into a Technology Expert

As Anti-Money Laundering (AML) regulations and expectations have continued to grow and change (e.g., the new FinCEN CDD Rule and the 4th EU Money Laundering Directive), so too have the expectations of AML Officers and their teams. As masters of their domain, their responsibilities have generally focused on ensuring that their policies and program...

/regulation Innovation in Financial Services

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