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4138 Results from /regulation

Anne Plested

Anne Plested Regulation at ION Markets

Bottlenecks ahead

ESMA issued a public statement yesterday recognising that there is just not enough time to review all the pre-trade transparency waivers and position limits before MiFID II comes into force on 3rd January. Rather than create an impasse they have, thankfully, opted for a pragmatic approach to get things moving along. To smooth the path, in the absen...


Paul Irvine

Paul Irvine Director, Major Accounts UK&I at Fortinet

The 3 questions the financial services industry needs to ask itself regarding GDPR

Businesses around the globe are becoming increasingly data-driven. This is largely due to the expectation of customisation of the user experience. Financial institutions, in particular have been able to use customer data and customisation in order to offer tailored services to their customers, such as loans or insurance, based on recent purchases ...

/security /regulation Information Security

Freddie McMahon

Freddie McMahon Director Strategy and Innovation at DF2020 Ltd


The Malaysian RHB Banking Group has launched a chatbot via the RinggitPlus comparison website. The chatbot is a blend of an “advisor” and “salesperson” for consumers applying for a personal loan. During the conversation the chatbot co-ordinates all the necessary information and communicates eligibility via SMS. The RHB Banking Group targeted ...

/ai /regulation Fintech innovation and startups

Bob Lyddon

Bob Lyddon Consultant at Lyddon Consulting Services

PSD2 compliance for leg-out payments difficilitated by the virtual elimination of Cover payments

Banks in the EU/EEA will be obliged – as from January 2018 – to quote all-in prices to their customers for: payments going to or coming from outside the EU/EEA, in any currency; and payments with both endpoints in the EU/EEA but where the currency is a non-EU/EEA one like USD or JPY, and where correspondents in the respective currency centres will...

/payments /regulation SEPA and European Payments

Retired Member

Retired Member 

A position of responsibility

As the MiFID II implementation date draws closer, implications for US firms continue to emerge. One area raising questions in the listed derivatives space is around position reporting and commodity position limits. Under MiFID II, EU investment firms are required to submit position reports to the regulators. Position limits under MiFID II are appl...


Darren Thomas

Darren Thomas MD at IHS Markit

Fighting the Paper Tiger: The Challenge with MiFID II Repapering

Getting re-papered under the terms of MiFID II will test the relationships between dealer and asset manager. All the terms of business, policies and procedures that banks and broker dealers have with clients will need to be reassessed and likely repapered under the terms of MiFID II. As the regulation reaches new asset classes, requiring unpreceden...

/regulation MiFID

Retired Member

Retired Member 

AnaCredit - An Overview of European Regulatory Reporting

Introduction AnaCredit (The Analytical Credit and Credit Risk Dataset), is a project from the European Central Bank (ECB) to create a shared database containing information on bank loans to companies. Credit institutions across the Eurozone will be required to report specific, standardized data on loans and other credits. AnaCredit is the Eu

/regulation Data Management 101

Retired Member

Retired Member 

ISIS & Transaction Laundering: eBay and PayPal Unknowingly Finance Terror

Even before it was discovered that the attack on the offices of Paris satire magazine Charlie Hebdo was partly financed by online payment fraud, the writing was on the wall. Organized crime and international drug traffickers had learned early on that the online payments ecosystem was easily exploited for money laundering. It was only a matter of t...

/payments /regulation

Varun Maggon

Varun Maggon Senior Business Consultant at CustomerXPs Software Pvt. Ltd.

Providing a Frictionless and Secure Customer Journey in PSD2

European leaders have long identified that the future of the financial services lies in the co-existence of the conventional banks with emerging fintech. However, to reach to that stage, security of the customer data is the major challenge. Despite industry efforts, fraudulent transaction levels are on the rise in Europe. Payments Services Direct...

/payments /regulation Transaction Fraud Systems and Analysis

Ketharaman Swaminathan

Ketharaman Swaminathan Founder and CEO at GTM360 Marketing Solutions

Overdraft Protection - Another Hot Opportunity For BPOs?

Consumer advocates ranted about overdraft protection fees in 2008, saying the service was forced down upon consumers. While the uninitiated can Google "overdraft protection" for a prosaic definition of the term, Stanley Bing offers the following tongue-in-cheek description for one of the most lucrative services offered by US banks: “No m...

/regulation /retail

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