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4138 Results from /regulation

Lee Campbell

Lee Campbell CEO & Founder at Cube Logic

The Importance of Enterprise-Wide Credit Risk Management

Effective credit risk management depends on data aggregate across multiple silos and the ability to produce accurate, consistent and forward-looking measures of credit exposure at the single obligor level. These data silos are often inevitable, especially when multiple front office trading systems, ETRMs, etc. are present, and yet must be overcome...

/regulation Financial Risk Management

Boris Huard

Boris Huard 

Getting ready for GDPR: 10 boxes your business needs to tick

25th May 2018 – write it down, pin it above your desk or put it in your diary. The date for EU GDPR regulation entering enforceable UK law is rapidly approaching, and many Marketing, Governance, Data Protection and Compliance teams need to start thinking about how prepared they truly are. We know that GDPR presents a great opportunity for companie...

/security /regulation Data Management 101

Reghunathan Sukumara Pillai

Reghunathan Sukumara Pillai Consultant at Infosys

Regulations for Non Performing Assets- How effective is the implementation ?

Lending is a major activity for major Banks and lending for capital investments, infrastructure, finances in Government sector and industries, heavy machineries contributes to the development of economy and also providing long term assured interest/fee based income to the Bank. Such corporate loans occupy a significant asset portfolio in many larg...

/regulation Banking Regulations

Robert McClure

Robert McClure Managing Director at Sequrest

Navigating the GDPR maze

On 25 May 2018 most processing of personal data by organisations will have to comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This legislation replaces the Data Protection Act and will have far reaching consequences for how institutions collect, process and store data. Individuals will gain greater rights and control over their data. ...

/security /regulation Data Protection Act Issues

Anjani Kumar

Anjani Kumar Principal Consultant - FS Risk & Compliance at Infosys Limited

Why regulatory reporting continues to be an Achilles’ heel for FIs?

In response to the 2008 global financial crisis (GFC), financial institutions (FIs) perforce had to undertake numerous corrective actions for restoring their credibility. Transforming their regulatory reporting practices was one such remedial action undertaken by FIs. Unfortunately, in spite of their earnest efforts over the past several years in ...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

GDPR - Heralding a New Kind of Customer Intimacy?

In August 2017, India’s highest judicial office, The Supreme Court, upheld the right to privacy as a fundamental right of the country’s citizens. In an era, where data is easily disseminated through a wide array of physical and digital channels, we often end up losing control of the very resource that we created and one that defines us in myriad w...

/regulation Financial Risk Management

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Is the DVC a ban in disguise?

If you had asked me last year what the actual impact of the double volume cap (DVC) would be, I would have said that it’s ridiculously complex to operate but wouldn’t matter all that much because it would likely only impact a few stocks. Seems I was wrong, judging by yesterday’s announcement from ESMA. Combining the statistics for January and Febr...

/regulation MiFID

Lee Campbell

Lee Campbell CEO & Founder at Cube Logic

Trader: Alexa, do you want to come to work with me?

Conversation-as-a-Service meets the trading floor The way we interact with computers has continually evolved from punch cards, command line interfaces and keyboards, the introduction of the mouse and more recently touchscreen devices and Alexa. The common driver for change is always to make things easier, faster and more intuitive to input and acc...

/regulation Innovation in Financial Services

Retired Member

Retired Member 

The Only Constant is Regulatory Change

For financial institutions, especially global ones, the myriad of regulations that they must adhere to is staggering. The difficulty with that is not just the number of targets they need to hit, but that those regulatory requirements are moving targets, rarely static or black and white. Current regulations are updated, and guidance on existing one...

/regulation Financial Services Regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Cooking the Bookings? How Airbnb Became Entangled in a Transaction Laundering Scandal

In 2008, Airbnb entered the international hospitality scene and, in no time, changed the shape of the industry – offering a non-traditional, traveler-friendly alternative to hotels and lodging, both short-and long-term rental options of people’s apartments and homes with reasonable rates and a variety of amenities. In March 2017, the company close...

/payments /regulation

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