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4138 Results from /regulation

Konrad Litwin

Konrad Litwin Global General Manager - Testing at Perforce Software

Keeping up with customer expectations - with Agile ALM

In the crowded, hugely competitive and increasingly digitally driven FS sector, software is being developed and rolled out faster on an unprecedented level. I’m not just talking about implementing whole new IT systems, but all the software updates and new features that are happening at an increased cadence. The financial firm that fails to keep u...

/regulation Financial Risk Management

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Juggling authentication techniques to prevent fraud and comply with GDPR

If your business operates online no doubt you will have processes in place to help mitigate the risks of fraud to your business. With UK finance fraud losses standing at £618 million in 2016 (Financial Fraud Action UK), fraud is no laughing matter. It’s difficult to juggle the costs of authentication against the risk to your business of fraud. Also...

/security /regulation Financial Risk Management

Brandon Li

Brandon Li Product Manager at Austreme

Trend of Child Sexual Abuse - Insights on Online Payment Regulations

Child exploitation is an alarming problem throughout whole world. It particularly threatens the safety of children in developing or underdeveloped countries, where poverty is the biggest cause of child abuse or child sex tourism. Owing to the technology enhancement and increased access to the internet, online child sexual exploitation materials (...

/security /regulation Financial Services Regulation

Sarah Jackson

Sarah Jackson Director at Equiniti Credit Services

A risky business: why the mispricing of credit is a danger to us all

The mispricing of risk in consumer credit is a threat to all lenders, particularly those that lack flexibility, explains Sarah Jackson, Director, Equiniti Credit Services. Years of low interest rates and fierce competition in the UK credit market has created a price war. Lenders are using cheaper loan products with wider consumer appeal to retain e...

/regulation /retail Fintech

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology: reshaping the future of the financial world

Many technological innovations have been heralded as the ‘future of business’. From fax machines to the iPhone, organisations have been relying on more and more technology to operate with greater efficiency and security. While there will always be mixed opinions over which technology is going to have the next big impact, there’s no denying that bl...

/regulation Blockchain Observations

Retired Member

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Open Banking will force banks to innovate to survive

As the first banks start implementing Open Banking, much of the talk in the industry is about how banks will manage security issues to become compliant. Whilst security is clearly an issue, I don’t believe that it is the biggest issue at hand. Banks are experts at dealing with security issues and managing risk. The real issue banks face is the pos...

/regulation /retail Banking Regulations

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Examining Beneficial Ownership Register Adoption in APAC

The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) regards access to accurate information regarding beneficial ownership as critical to the effective deterrence of criminal activities that could be obscured by corporate structures. In 2014, FATF published a guidance paper, ‘Transparency and Beneficial Ownership’, aimed at assisting countries in implementing me...

/regulation Banking Regulations

Freddie McMahon

Freddie McMahon Director Strategy and Innovation at DF2020 Ltd

GDPR is becoming a bigger problem for USA firms

There is a very interesting issue related to GDPR that has emerged from the USA. Very simply, USA firms that adhere to GDPR, but do not apply at least the same level of consent to its domestic customers may be acting illegally. The implications are staggering. The rationality for this argument is that there is a USA law related to “national origin ...

/ai /regulation Banking Regulations

Myles Milston

Myles Milston CEO at Globacap

Why crypto must comply or die

Inadequate oversight can create industry crises — an effect we are starting to see in crypto. Over the last year, tokens have been at the centre of multiple global hacks and large-scale fraud - such as the theft of $400 million in Coincheck tokens, the Parity coding error that froze over 513,776 ETH, the PlexCoin ICO which saw the SEC freeze $15...

/regulation Blockchain Observations

Retired Member

Retired Member 

How process mining can turbo-charge internal auditing

For years, auditors have used interviews and workshops to conduct successful company assessments. As more businesses become digitised, auditors need to blend traditional techniques with a more data-led approach. In the face of higher expectations for accuracy, internal departments need to take note: big data is changing the way organisations opera...

/regulation Internal Auditors in Financial Services

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