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4138 Results from /regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Joining the fray

It was always clear that Brexit was going to be an inherently complex undertaking that the industry must muddle through somehow. By now we’re all quite used to politicians of every stripe selling us their promises and claims, ranging from the more realistic to the less credible. What’s different this week is that the regulatory authorities have no...


Breana Patel

Breana Patel CEO | Thought leader in Bank Risk & Regulations at Bonova Advisory | Risk &Regulatory Advisory

Risk Management : Are Crypto Exchanges Safe?

Jay Clayton SEC chairman mentioned in recent news that ICOs will be treated as securities. Crypto exchanges are being placed in increased scrutiny by the regulators. A good enterprise risk management approach is one that is proactive and not reactive after the damage has occurred. What will set crypto exchanges apart will be the ability to have a r...

/regulation Digital Asset Class (DAC)

Freddie McMahon

Freddie McMahon Director Strategy and Innovation at DF2020 Ltd

It is time for the Digital Transformation of Corporate Governance?

Within traditional Financial Services there is a common belief that regulation has fundamentally constrained the industry, but at the same time innovation through FinTech has blossomed. The Regulators do not believe regulation is a constraint to good business and have worked closely with FinTech. Something feels out of kilter! Maybe it’s time we f...

/ai /regulation Internal Auditors in Financial Services

Retired Member

Retired Member 

RegTech - the smart future for model risk management

The inexorable advance of new technologies; artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), big data and cloud computing are transforming financial institutions and markets. Machine learning in particular, is rapidly gaining traction in the world of model risk management, where the increased number of models to be managed, requires a consolid...

/ai /regulation

Anjani Kumar

Anjani Kumar Principal Consultant - FS Risk & Compliance at Infosys Limited

AnaCredit - Implementation challenges and lessons for the future stages

Background AnaCredit (analytical credit dataset) is a three-stage project that was launched by the European Central Bank (ECB). In April 2014, ECB had announced the establishment of a central credit register that would be updated with granular credit (individual loan level), counterparty, and credit risk/exposure data of all of the credit institut...

/regulation Banking Regulations

Ørjan Bagn

Ørjan Bagn Head of Service Design at DNB

Painless international identification, is it possible?

Just last week I was part of launching DNB ID, an app making it possible to safely and securely identify people regardless of nationality, using a phone, passport and face. I work in DNB (Norway’s largest financial institution) where we each year have over 80.000 passport based identifications. This could be related to customer on-boarding, transa...

/regulation Digital Banking Trends

Stuart Lacey

Stuart Lacey Founder at Trunomi

Making data rights management a WIN-WIN-WIN

Digital marketers are struggling to get value for money from their spend. Consumers, increasingly put off by ads that interfere with their online experience, are opting in ever larger numbers for ad blocking, or exercising their new rights under GDPR to turn off marketing. So while algorithms are able to make digital marketing more and more targ...

/regulation Data Protection Act Issues

Anthony Hynes

Anthony Hynes Managing Director & CEO at eNett International

Tackling fraud in the travel industry

Travel and tourism now accounts for a staggering 10.2 percent of global GDP . And, where there is money, criminals will follow. Add to that the specific nature of travel transactions – high value one-off payments, rapid consumption and the sheer number of suppliers across the globe – and the travel sector is a huge target for fraud. Our new resea...

/payments /regulation

Balazs Fejes

Balazs Fejes President Europe and APAC at EPAM Systems

How to Leverage GDPR Rules to Enable a Personalized User Experience

With the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) finally coming into effect on May 25, 2018 after years of negotiation and preparation, financial services companies are facing a major challenge that goes beyond the consequences of a breach or the right to be forgotten. These are obviously major considerations given that they have been w...

/regulation Data Protection Act Issues

Ivy Schmerken

Ivy Schmerken Editorial Director at FlexTrade Systems

Global FX Code Gains Adoption but Last Look is a Thorny Issue

Over 200 market participants have signed the FX Global Code of Conduct, a voluntary set of principles published a year ago to restore trust and curb bad behavior in the wholesale foreign exchange market. Citing a rapid increase in the number of signatories from every corner of the foreign exchange markets, the Foreign Exchange Professionals Associa...

/regulation Financial Services Regulation

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