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4138 Results from /regulation

Shailendra Malik

Shailendra Malik SVP - Tech Delivery (Data Platform) at DBS Bank

Gig Economy - A Financial Services Nightmare

The idea of Gig economy is not new. In fact it exists in its rudimentary form by the name of Daily Wage worker. With digitisation of work and remote working ecosystem advancing to next level, Gig economy is now a very viable option for knowledge workers. I remember the website Rent-a-coder website, all the way back in 2002 when I was looking for o...

/regulation Trends in Financial Services

Keith Stonell

Keith Stonell Managing Director, EMEA at Guidewire

The challenge of pricing cyber risk - does it feel like nailing jelly to the wall?

According to the Allianz Risk Barometer 2018 business owners consider cyber incidents to be the second greatest threat to their organisations – rising from third place in last year’s survey. Cyber threats were second only to business interruption, with respondents citing a cyber incident as the most feared cause of business interruption. With 201...

/security /regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Why Aren't Regulators Fixing MFA Security Standards?

The use of biometric identifications systems in the financial sector is mushrooming as banks, credit card companies, and other institutions adopt them to improve security. Whilst regulations, like the EU’s Payment Services Directive (PSD2) and new ones from The New York State Department of Financial Services (NYDFS), are spurring this by requiring...

/security /regulation Information Security

Sufyan Khan

Sufyan Khan Head of Pre Sales / Solution Consulting - Europe at Oracle

Preparing data functions for the 2017 stress tests

In November 2016, the Bank of England (BoE) published the results of its 2016 banking stress tests which measured the resilience of UK’s major banks’ balance sheet in adverse scenarios. These incorporated a synchronised UK and global recession with associated shocks to financial market prices, and an independent stress of misconduct costs. The str...

/regulation /wholesale Banking Regulations

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Huge money and reputation. Why does the market need institutional investors?

Large investment funds, banks and other traditional financial organizations are getting closer to the blockchain technology. Under a certain scenario, they may bring this sphere to a new level. An important stage in the development of the cryptocurrency market is the arrival of institutional investors. These are insurance organizations, banks, inve...

/regulation Financial Services Regulation

Shailendra Malik

Shailendra Malik SVP - Tech Delivery (Data Platform) at DBS Bank

Internal Audit: In the age of AI

Innovation and tech advancements are hitting the market at a breakneck speed. All companies are either trying to leverage the AI, Chat-Bots, ML or any form of new models available in the market or even they're trying to make their own. With this comes additional challenges. Security is a big concern. No ML / AI model will work without empirical da...

/ai /regulation Innovation in Financial Services

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Danger! Is your current Password Management process a risk to your bottom line?

I work with many companies right across Europe who are starting to realise the direct and in-direct problems associated with password management. How many passwords do we have and how many of us have written them down in places like the back page of a diary? Perhaps even on post-it notes stuck on screens or around desks? What about those critical ...

/security /regulation Biometrics

Breana Patel

Breana Patel CEO | Thought leader in Bank Risk & Regulations at Bonova Advisory | Risk &Regulatory Advisory


CECL vs. CCAR: A Significant Change in the Banking Industry In an effort to reinforce the financial system, The FASB (Financial Accounting Standard Board) releases new regulations and policies from time to time. To ensure that financial institutions have liquidity in the times of extreme stress, CECL was released in addition to CCAR for capital ...

/regulation Banking Regulations

Breana Patel

Breana Patel CEO | Thought leader in Bank Risk & Regulations at Bonova Advisory | Risk &Regulatory Advisory

Top 5 Fintech and Banking Trends : Cognitive Banking enables AI to create solutions based on BigData

In conversation with Marika Lulay we discuss top 5 trends in Fintech and Banking Industry 1.Industry 4.0 — I strongly believe that there is a paradigm shift in the way IT systems will be built and run in the future. And this paradigm shift is true for all sectors. In the new world of „digital business“, the only way our clients can keep up with th...

/regulation Banking Regulations

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Hedging Alone Can't Save Manufacturers from Risk

Volatility is back – if it ever left – in commodity markets. Geopolitical risks have exploded in the past few weeks and months with the threat and reality of trade tariffs and trade wars, sanctions and political instability, adding to both price and supply uncertainty. Among those impacted – potentially severely – are CPG and manufacturing compani...

/regulation Financial Risk Management

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