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Latest /regulation expert opinions

Bo Harald

Bo Harald Chairman/Founding member, board member at Trust Infra for Real Time Economy Prgrm & MyData,

Futile inflation chasing

The 0-interest policy in the euro area has been defended by the need to get inflation up to 2%. I have been wondering how that can be possible when cost of work, energy, material, tax and financing gets lower and destroying nature and climate is still not a cost. Now the Economist's "The end of inflation?" article sheds more light. My t...

/regulation Artificial Intelligence and Financial Services

Ivy Schmerken

Ivy Schmerken Editorial Director at FlexTrade Systems

Exchange Landscape Gearing Up for Expansion in 2020

As a sign of the evolving U.S. equity trading landscape, two startups and one options exchange operator plan to launch as many as three new exchange platforms in 2020, and a fourth could be waiting in the wings. Members Exchange (MEMX), Long Term Stock Exchange (LTSE), and Miami International Holdings, operator of the MIAX Exchange Group, plan to c...

/regulation Capital Markets Technology

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Retired Member 

How banks can avoid falling foul of MiFID II reporting requirements

The red light is ‘blinking’ – but are you sure you’re recording? Investment banks know they need to record their trades or face the wrath of the regulator. However, too often it is taken for granted with everyone assuming the recording is happening … until the regulator asks for it and they can’t find it. In this blog I’ll examine why it is essent...

/regulation Unified Communications in Financial Services

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Best Execution in the US: Three Things Broker-Dealers Need to Think About

As we head into 2020, US broker-dealers are preparing for new mandates on how they report transactions back to customers. The requirements – established by the Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC) updates to Rule 606 – aim to bring investors greater transparency and an assurance that orders are handled in line with the principles of best exe...

/regulation Financial Services Regulation

Saeed Patel

Saeed Patel Director of Product Strategy at KRM22

Crypto Regulation - Asia Leading the Way

The exponential growth of institutional and retail investor interest in the crypto markets has led to the inevitable need to reposition existing financial regulatory frameworks to incorporate supervision of digital asset markets. With the recent bitcoin surge back to above $10,000 per bitcoin, it is evident that crypto markets have become too subs...

/regulation Financial Services Regulation

Willem Lambrechts

Willem Lambrechts Managing Director at Drebbel


A river is a natural flowing watercourse, usually freshwater, flowing towards an ocean, sea, lake or another river. (source Wikipedia) A lake is an area filled with water, localized in a basin, surrounded by land, apart from any river or other outlet that serves to feed or drain the lake. (source Wikipedia) Is river a synonym for lake? I don't thin...

/regulation Data Management 101

Konstantin Rabin

Konstantin Rabin Head of Marketing at Kontomatik

How does digital currency save millions of dollars for governments?

The world has been embroiled in a serious discussion about whether or not digitized fiat currency should exist in various countries. The argument was pushed when China first announced it would be making its own version of digital currency in order to somehow combat Libra, but there may be other implications as well. Things such as easier distribut...

/regulation Blockchain Observations

Mark Demo

Mark Demo Head of Community Development at AcadiaSoft


Approximately 250 firms, including many more buy-side firms, could fall into scope for Phase 5 of the Uncleared Margin Rules (UMR), according to AcadiaSoft’s estimates. At the same time, firms will need to be prepared to address variations of the Initial Margin (IM) rules that may play out differently in Europe than in the U.S. AcadiaSoft will tak...

/regulation Financial Services Regulation

Retired Member

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Comparing Rules Engines vs Machine Learning for AML-BSA-CFT

We have been asked to explain the differences between rules-engines and machine learning for anti-money laundering/banking secrecy act applications on numerous occasions. This question typically arises from the compliance team, wanting to better understand the difference between their current process and that used by AI-based, SaaS AML systems. ...

/ai /regulation Banking Regulations

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Retired Member 

What Differentiates modern AML Solutions from Legacy AML?

The Legacy Approach In my prior article, I discussed Rules Engines vs Machine Learning for AML/BSA/CFT compliance. In this article we differentiate legacy AML process from modern a Agile Compliance approach. The legacy AML process consists of on-boarding customers, transaction monitoring and reporting. These processes are hard-wired into the softw...

/regulation Banking Regulations

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