182 Results from 2023, /predictions
Luigi Wewege President at Caye International Bank
The fintech industry is constantly evolving and improving, and 2023 is no exception. It is predicted that the fintech space will multiply and reach $174 billion in 2023. The banking industry has recently experienced a massive surge in adopting fintech solutions as users become more tech-savvy. There are several emerging technologies in Fintech, an...
25 February 2023 /regulation /predictions Fintech World
Nathan Shinn Founder and Chief Strategy Officer at BillingPlatform
Global economic instability, driven by macro events like inflation, the Russia-Ukraine conflict and the ongoing fallout from Brexit, have sparked concerns of an impending recession for businesses in the UK and around the globe. With experts and business leaders alike expecting the worst, the immediate economic future remains a top concern for lead...
22 February 2023 /payments /predictions Business
Anoop Melethil Head of Marketing at Maveric Systems
The Banking sector entered 2023 on a firmer footing compared to previous years. McKinsey’s Global Banking Annual Review 2022 informs that, driven by interest rates and net margins, bank profitability reached a 14-year high. The sector, however, continues to be rattled by an uncertain macroeconomic outlook troubled by stagflation, geopolitical tur...
21 February 2023 /retail /predictions Digital Banking
Yahya Mohamed Mao Head of Business Development & Marketing at Swiss GRC
Fintech, or financial technology, is transforming the way we manage our money. From mobile banking to cryptocurrency, there are a multitude of innovative financial products and services that are changing the financial landscape. In 2023, there are 10 fintech trends that are particularly noteworthy, including the rise of decentralized finance, the ...
21 February 2023 /regulation /predictions Fintech innovation and startups
Kamal Misra Senior Director, Head of Banking at Capgemini Invent India
Among the myriad tracks signifying evolutionary dynamics, mutualism finds resonance among researchers and biologists as an exploratory construct for behavioural validation. For the unversed, mutualism refers to relationships or interactions among species with each deriving a net benefit. Barter being a primordial habit has a significant biological...
19 February 2023 /retail /predictions Open Banking
Leo Lipis Chief Executive at Lipis Advisors https://www.lipisadvisors.com
In October 2022 the European Commission (EC) announced a legislative proposal to make instant payments in euros available to all citizens with a bank account in the EU/EEA. In short, the EC proposal contains four major initiatives: All Payment Service Providers (PSPs) that already offer credit transfers in euros (excluding payment institutions an...
16 February 2023 /payments /predictions SEPA and European Payments
Retired Member
New age core banking solutions like Thought Machine, Mambu and Pismo are on their way to transform banking as we know today Simplistically put, these are a set of cloud native, even driven domain microservices that facilitate quick creation and launch of new products, configuration of workflows, accounting entries and interface with other internal...
15 February 2023 /retail /predictions Banking
Lukas Dvorak Data Science & AI Professional at Profinit EU
2022 was a boom year for AI. 2023 is almost certain to continue that trend. Many fear that these new technologies will take their job, but these new technologies are actually a big benefit to finance, banking, and pretty much every other industry. What can we expect in the years to come? You’ve probably already heard of generative AI by now. Back ...
13 February 2023 /people /predictions Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation
Back in 2016, I was fortunate to be part of the team chosen for a week-long workshop/training on Blockchain. We were introduced to the basics, formed teams and built some use cases to understand how it works. Subsequently, I could also participate in building proof-of-concept on payments and trade finance. There was, and continues to be, a lot of ...
13 February 2023 /wholesale /predictions Blockchain Observations
Zannettos Zannettou Principal Solutions Consultant at Temenos
Gartner estimates $195 Billion of spending across industries on Cloud Application Services (SaaS) in 2023, with Financial Services, set to be one of the key contributors to this overall estimated spend. As banks seek to cut costs and ramp up digital transformation, cloud adoption by banks has accelerated. Just under three-quarters (72%) of IT exe...
12 February 2023 /cloud /predictions Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation
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