283 Results from 2010, /payments
Bo Harald Chairman/Founding member, board member at Trust Infra for Real Time Economy Prgrm & MyData,
Looking back – some of the most viewed posts: On EU: Questions European Tax Payers should ask: https://www.finextra.com/blogs/fullblog.aspx?blogid=2815 A digital Single Market – why and how?: https://www.finextra.com/blogs/fullblog.aspx?blogid=4497 The future of Direct Debit – e-invoicing with standing order: https://www.finextra.com/blogs/full...
30 December 2010 /payments Innovation in Financial Services
Brett King CEO & Founder at Moven
In 2010 we had a bunch of innovative ideas become mainstream and start to impact the banking arena (for a full coverage see my post in Huffington.) However, 2011 promises to be more disruptive because as the economy finally starts to warm up, we'll be seeing a lot of new private equity investment into start-ups in the finance arena. A new dot com ...
29 December 2010 /payments /retail Innovation in Financial Services
Retired Member
As 2010 draws to a close, it seems an appropriate time to consider the changes that have taken place over the last twelve months and look ahead to the coming year. In terms of payments security, 2010 was a big year for PCI DSS, with version 2.0 of the standard coming into force. Despite showing progress and clarifying a few points, however, it’s fa...
23 December 2010 /security /payments Information Security
2010 was a bumper year for innovations in the retail banking and payments space. Below are some of the top innovations this year. Let me know how you rank these in respect to their ability to be real game changers for the banking arena. Which innovations do you think will survive on, and which will flame out? My big bet for 2011 is NFC (Near-Field
17 December 2010 /payments /retail Innovation in Financial Services
The European Commission has today published proposals for the setting of end dates for the migration from legacy instruments to SEPA credit transfers and direct debits. It's taken a while but there has now been a ceremonial bowing to the inevitable. Full clarity on the subject has still not been achieved but this is indeed a significant step on the...
16 December 2010 /payments
I just returned from my annual trip to visit partners and customers in India. In one year I could see quite a difference in the infrastructure developments, but also how the pace has picked up in developing new banking services. The economy is expanding rapidly on an annual basis (8.9% in 2010), and growth is exceeded only by the economic powerho...
15 December 2010 /payments
In Part I of this post we blogged about how Kiva stands to benefit greatly by adopting a more social design and, more importantly, incorporating game-like mechanics to expand its user base and create a rich, engaging environment for lenders. On Friday, GamesBeat(VentureBeat) published a post on the trend in "gamification" of applications...
15 December 2010 /payments /retail Finance 2.0
Douwe Lycklama Founding partner at INNOPAY
ECB is putting up more pressure on the banking sector regarding online and mobile payments in their recently published 7th progress report: online payments have to be solved for Europe. In every debate on this topic I dearly miss the customer voice! In payments there are always two customers (buyers and sellers) but in the case of online payments
12 December 2010 /payments EBAday
Support for implementation of first global ISO-standard is starting to appear - also in Russia. And by SWIFT: http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/f9ecbbbc#/f9ecbbbc/1 It so makes sense for countries that have not yet created dominating local standards to go directly for the global one (we are all heading for it anyway). Why waste time – a lot of t...
10 December 2010 /payments Innovation in Financial Services
Alexander Mifsud Co-Founder and CEO at Weavr.io
Yesterday I listened to a talk from PayPal at one of Europe’s largest online innovation and developer conferences, LeWeb. The company was incredibly bullish about the online ecommerce market and explained that its business was now not only derived from online retailers and merchants but also offline, brick and mortar organisations that are seeking...
09 December 2010 /payments
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