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4685 Results from /payments

Alan Goodrich

Alan Goodrich Regional Sales Manager at ERI

Stick, TWIST or Buy..? Oh dear, BUST..!

First of all, credit where credit is due - the title concept is attributable to one of my colleagues, not me - thank you Howard! Yesterday evening we attended a lively Financial Services Club session of the Supply Chain Management Forum focus group chaired by Eric Sepkes. The guest speaker was Shaun Maine, who happens to be Chairman of the TWIST Te...

/payments /sibos Financial Supply Chain

Alan Goodrich

Alan Goodrich Regional Sales Manager at ERI

45 Shopping Days to SEPA..!

Depending on your local bank/public holidays, there are just 45 business days to "SEPA Day"..! I can't help wondering just how "SEPA-ready" banks and corporates really are with effectively just 9 weeks to "LIVE" date to go..? SEPA may not be as big a deal as the Euro and Y2K in terms of the consequences of not being re...

/payments /sibos SEPA and European Payments

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Justify interchange by helping retailers fight return fraud

Return fraud is in the news again. $3.7 billion this holiday season, according to a recent report. I talk about it because I believe that payment networks are ideally positioned to help retailers address this huge problem. Why should the networks do this? To help justify their interchange fees, of course. See the full blog post here: http://aneac...

/payments SEPA and European Payments

Retired Member

Retired Member 

One throat to choke

Isn't it better to have one throat to choke? The explosions of the personal computer saw two hardware and operating system vendor models emerge. The first was the IBM compatible or “PC” camp where hardware vendors could produce components to standards and other vendors package these bits into a saleable product. With any luck the operating system ...

/payments Trends in Financial Services

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Contactless troubles: useful analyst insight, useless advice

According to a report by research firm Aberdeen Group, most merchants that have adopted contactless don’t promote those programs to their customers, leading to lower than expected usage and uptake of tap-and-go transactions. Why don't merchants promote contactless if they get so much benefit from it? The report provides useful insight into the bar...

/payments SEPA and European Payments

Alan Goodrich

Alan Goodrich Regional Sales Manager at ERI

Will UK Banks Get the X-Factor? It's the Same Difference!

What is it that keeps the excruciatingly happy brother and sister act of Sean and Sarah, Same Difference, out of the bottom two each week? My theory is very simple – they have understood what their customers (public voters) want... Will they win the whole competition? Probably not – but in many ways they have already won and have beaten some seriou...

/payments SEPA and European Payments

Alan Goodrich

Alan Goodrich Regional Sales Manager at ERI

Smarter Than A Ten Year Old?

Sorry, this is not a blog discussing the new TV series, but it hopefully will hold your attention at least as long as the programme makers hope their latest show will. Much is being written and discussed about innovation in financial services with, it seems, organisations employing an increasing number of people with the remit to innovate. Any of y...

/payments /regulation Trends in Financial Services

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Merchants hate interchange but will pay 7-9pct for marketing

Merchants hate paying 2% for credit card interchange, yet reports show that they are willing to pay 7-9% to companies like Google that envelop the payment transaction within the shopping context and actually deliver sales. A recent study by Deloitte looks at online purchases only, but I am excited about how the same ideas can be applied to real-wo...

/payments SEPA and European Payments

Retired Member

Retired Member 

How an unregulated interchange model can benefit merchants

Regulating interchange fees would eliminate a powerful incentive for payment schemes to create innovative products and services which benefit merchants. Payment schemes should be able to compete with each other to make their products more useful and valuable to merchants, their incentive being the ability to generate higher interchange and, in con...


Alan Goodrich

Alan Goodrich Regional Sales Manager at ERI

Can You Have Your Corporate Cake and Eat It?

The subject of “Innovation in Financial Services” seems to highlight a real and present danger that many senior bankers are struggling with... i.e. how to achieve the “plumbing” and innovate simultaneously, in particular around the corporate financial supply chain... Did you make it to SIBOS this year? Well, the good news was that SIBOS focused a ...

/payments /sibos Financial Supply Chain

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