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4825 Results from /payments

Retired Member

Retired Member 

EBADay highlights the need for bank-corporate collaboration

Looking into the chasm: EBADay 2009 highlights the need for bank-corporate collaboration on SEPA It comes as no surprise that for both corporates and banks at this year’s EBADay cash management, liquidity and risk management are high on the agenda. Yet, SEPA is also still being discussed as a necessary step forward for the payments industry. The pr...


Matt White

Matt White North America editor at Finextra

When digital natives rule the world

How banks are going to have to adapt their services to keep digital natives - people who have grown up with the Internet and mobile phones - happy was up for discussion at the strategic innovation in payments systems panel at EBAday today. There's no doubt that digital natives expect more from their technology than older immigrants so it's natural ...

/payments EBAday

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Credit , Debit Cards Trail Behind Cash in Oz

70 percent of all transactions in Australia and 75 percent of payments between $11 and $25 are made with cash. Customers may use credit cards for reasons such as an interest free period and loyalty programs may influence a quarter of credit card transactions. Credit cards are used for around 10% of payments. Debit cards are more popular accounting ...

/payments /retail Whatever...

Elizabeth Lumley

Elizabeth Lumley Global FinTech Commentator at Girl, Disrupted

What's so protective about 'Turning Japanese'?

Which region experiences the least amount of online banking fraud? Is it the one with the most stringent regulations or with the most investment in expensive, state-of-the-art fraud protection software? According to Paul Henninger, Director of Fraud Solutions, Actimize who spoke on the Payments and risk management panel at this week's EBADay in Vie...

/security /payments

Matt White

Matt White North America editor at Finextra

How to make Sepa 'prettier' for corporates

So, Sepa is obviously a big deal for the banking delegates here at EBAday but the corporates in attendance are a little less enthusiastic. Andreas Nestler, head of cash and treasury management at Austrian construction giant Strabag is certainly not in any rush to get it implemented. During the panel discussion on the corporate perspective on paymen...

/payments EBAday

Elizabeth Lumley

Elizabeth Lumley Global FinTech Commentator at Girl, Disrupted

SEPA is 'incomplete' - Thank God For EBICS then.

At the Payment Markets Insight into Central and Eastern Europe panel discussion at this week's EBADay in Vienna I did not expect to hear a (minor) diss to the mighty Swift. Hermann Fürstenau, sales manager, at PPI AG extrolled the virtues of the Electronic Banking Internet Comunications Standard (EBICS to those are are required to comply). Sepa is ...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

The New Paradigm Pt 2 - Listening to the Customer

I've seen plenty about Web 2.0 and people wondering how do banks get into social networking. From what I can see most of you have it back to front. It's not about using the new social media communications channels as just another means of bleating out your unwanted messages, or or to have you most passive and vetted staff chatting with customers. I...

/payments /retail Innovation in Financial Services

Bo Harald

Bo Harald Chairman/Founding member, board member at Trust Infra for Real Time Economy Prgrm & MyData,

See beyond the core..

Many enterprises have seen that focusing only on the core may be detrimental as there are few examples that this has created innovation based growth. This does not mean that routine tasks, that can be outsourced, should not increasingly be. Outsourcing has been an early and is in the context of the networked economy an even more natural step. Once ...

/payments Innovation in Financial Services

Bo Harald

Bo Harald Chairman/Founding member, board member at Trust Infra for Real Time Economy Prgrm & MyData,

Game-changing Innovation

" The role of the innovator is to meet customers on their terms as human beings.The goal of the innovator is to empower your customers to realize the change they want to see in the world." Paco Underhill I like the statement - especially "on terms as human beings" - which I interpret as holistic but simple answers to practises i...

/payments Innovation in Financial Services

Bo Harald

Bo Harald Chairman/Founding member, board member at Trust Infra for Real Time Economy Prgrm & MyData,

Integrity and authenticity - give me a break

The target for the EU Commission is to cut the costs of SMEs caused by complicating legislation with 25% before 2012. As SMEs generate 60- 70% of all turnover in EU, this is the obvious thing to do to improve competitiveness. The most important productivity area to address is now fast and easy migration from inefficient and sometimes insecure paper...


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