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The New Paradigm Pt 2 - Listening to the Customer

I've seen plenty about Web 2.0 and people wondering how do banks get into social networking.

From what I can see most of you have it back to front.

It's not about using the new social media communications channels as just another means of bleating out your unwanted messages, or or to have you most passive and vetted staff chatting with customers.

It's about listening.

Everyone who mentions something vaguely relating to your product range doesn't want the googleads 'hounds of the baskerville' chasing them across the web trying poke adverts in their face.

It's about listening.

Try just listening to your existing customers first. Get that right and you won't have to chase customers.

I have a few plans of my own to turn listening into what could only be described as an art form compared with the current efforts of most FI's. For those you pay.


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