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4825 Results from /payments

Retired Member

Retired Member 

The Web of Fraud and Nude Surfing

A recent foray into using a credit card to pay online proved quite enlightening. The only thing it 'lightened' was my daughter's wallet. While she is very familiar with my views about stealing music and not paying artists (heretofore the sole domain of record companies) she knows that I don't hold any stead in Apple being able to stop her playing ...

/payments Whatever...

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Abandoned Shopping Carts and Google Ads a la carte

I read the recent research on why online shoppers abandon their shopping carts at checkout (payment). While a shopper's economic circumstances play a substantial part, the research supports the view I have that more sales will be completed if the buying/paying process is much simpler, faster and the process does not risk the customer's identity or...

/payments Innovation in Financial Services

Stanley Epstein

Stanley Epstein Associate at Citadel Advantage Group

You gotta be kidding!

I generally find the subject of banking, risk management, payments and so on to be pretty serious stuff. After all I have spent my entire career dealing with the various aspects of all of this. I must admit however that there is always room for a lighter side to everything. But so far I always seem to have missed these more amusing moments. So my...

/payments /retail Innovation in Financial Services

Bo Harald

Bo Harald Chairman/Founding member, board member at Trust Infra for Real Time Economy Prgrm & MyData,

Banking is easy..

You just accept deposits and make loans with high margins. If you are a start-up bank you just pay more for the deposits and then place the money in high-earning but still quite secure loans and interesting new papers some call hybrids. If you think this is risky you just place the money in a good number of papers - all will not go bankrupt - at l

/payments /retail

Bo Harald

Bo Harald Chairman/Founding member, board member at Trust Infra for Real Time Economy Prgrm & MyData,

It is not the invoice...

Slap any number of digital signatures on an electronic invoice and still you cannot guarantee any integrity and authenticity. The legal harmonization debate in EU is unfortunately still wrongly focusing on this one document. The answer is in the holistic business process - when the (any form of) invoice has arrived and VAT auditors understandably f...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Twitter Providing Insights? Draw Your Own Conclusions

Twitter is on a few people's minds at the moment, and although it has tremendous potential as a communication tool and is still in it's primitive stages- twitter has provided some unusual insights into human activity. Some analysis of twitter following habits seem to show: 'Although men and women follow a similar number of Twitter users, men have ...

/payments /retail Whatever...

Bo Harald

Bo Harald Chairman/Founding member, board member at Trust Infra for Real Time Economy Prgrm & MyData,

Want to save 1 billion litres of gasoline?

Well that is easy - just ask the average European to act so that 2 litres less is used - a year. Should not be difficult - and one could in the same go throw in other fossile fuels and CO2 generation (80% of energy being fossile based in the world) - again not meaning much to the average person. But that is also the dilemma - as so little money an...


Andy Morris

Andy Morris Risk Business Solutions Consultant at ACI Worldwide

Avoid the virtual trap

In today’s financial climate in which banks’ credibility has already taken a hit, any further reputational damage needs to be avoided at all costs. While financial institutions have come a long way in ensuring measures are in place to tackle money laundering, the class action taken against NatWest in the US by victims of a terrorist attack in Isra...

/security /payments

Stanley Epstein

Stanley Epstein Associate at Citadel Advantage Group

Business versus Technology

It never ceases to amaze me that in the world of banking two different worlds can seemingly co-exist side by side, each oblivious of the other. There are many examples of this, such as "sound risk management" versus "business imperatives". This particular issue lies, in my view, at the heart of the current financial crisis. Ho...

/payments Innovation in Financial Services

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Payments Fraud Hurts All of Us

This AFP survey (click to download pdf of report) makes clear a trend many have expected, that fraud would grow as the economy continues to suffer. And, no surprise, but larger organizations are a bigger target due to their higher transaction volumes. I see and hear it anecdotally every day in conversations with partners, customers and prospec...

/payments /regulation Transaction Fraud Systems and Analysis

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