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Interview of Nick Ogden -Voice Commerce, 2nd part

Here's the 2nd part of the interview.



Bruno Joanides (BJ) : To run your business, a strong partnership with a bank was needed, was it difficult to find a bank to provide you with the services needed?
Nick Ogden (NO) : Of course prior to become a PI we needed a bank to support our card schemes activities, however that is now changing

BJ : Can you describe the relationship between your bank and Voice commerce? What are the services they provide you?

NO : Our bank provides money management only.

BJ : You certainly meet several Bankers, how did they react when you introduced your company as a future payment institution?

NO :  Mixed would be the truth, but I think that it is now well known that we are offering our advanced payments services to them in partnership so it should work out.

BJ :You are the first payment institution to become a principal member of Visa Europe. Could you explain the strategy behind this investment?

NO : Well we are also now members of MasterCard too – clearly this allows us to become a truly independent group, and we intend to remember the challenges that we faced trying to get new projects launched finding a schemes members and hope to encourage other payment innovators to use our services ad partner with us.

BJ : Could you give an brief overview about how Voice commerce is organized (department, number of people, etc)

NO :  We have all the resources you would expect, and employ about 50 people

BJ :What are your main competitors?

NO :  I believe that we are the only group currently pushing combined identity verification and payment strategy and our 50 country network means that we can react to opportunities very quickly. 

BJ :Now that you have started to run your business, what is your communication/marketing strategy?

NO :  To continue to innovate




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