339 Results from 2011, /payments
Nikhil Mittal Financial Crimes Consultant at Wells Fargo
The hush-hush on the street is Greece is out, Italy may go down, next in line could potentially be Spain and so on. The newspapers are ripe with the last minute reforms and short-term strategies to bail-out some of the largest economies within the Euro zone, steps like resignations of the top leaders and acceptence of reforms by some to save the s...
09 November 2011 /payments /regulation Payments strategies 2015-2020-2030
Retired Member
After a number of years of steady activity, we are now seeing increasing numbers of financial institutions starting to migrate their legacy payment systems. It seems to be a number of factors have come together, which means that organizations around the world who have perhaps been delaying the inevitable, are starting to move forward. One key drive...
09 November 2011 /payments
Bo Harald Chairman/Founding member, board member at Trust Infra for Real Time Economy Prgrm & MyData,
A lot of strategy papers have been written and inititiaves launched to further e-government. The topic is important - for enterprises competitiveness and tax payers. But too often these programs tend to become lengthy letters to Santa Claus - thus not having the needed focus on what is really important and also isolating public sector services and ...
08 November 2011 /payments Innovation in Financial Services
Kazakhstan is moving to e-invoicing with the help of the needed deadline for paper: http://bx.businessweek.com/e-invoicing/view?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.sharedserviceslink.com%2Ffile%2F93958%2Fe-invoicing-in-kazakhstan-from-2012.html The progressive club with public sector deadlines now include 11 countries (in some sort of chronological order of annou...
Canada joining the self-evident model - reuse what citizens already are used to, is secure and saves tons of tax payers money. https://www.finextra.com/news/fullstory.aspx?newsitemid=23132 When will your country join? If not soon - why not? Miserable public isolation: https://www.finextra.com/blogs/fullblog.aspx?blogid=5932 and earlier post: https...
07 November 2011 /payments Innovation in Financial Services
We have elected and pay for decision makers and regulators. Sometimes I get the impression that they try to govern as little as possible in important areas and overcompensate with irritating nitty-gritty. An area where actions certainly is needing is in the fight against cash usage - at least for the following reasons: 1. Cash is expensive - accor...
06 November 2011 /payments
Hans Tesselaar Executive Director at BIAN
With the G20 meeting this week and the European banking industry coming together at Euro Finance Week on November 14th – 18th, the woes of the industry will no doubt be discussed at length. While issues of debt and lending hog the headlines, we must be careful not to lose sight of the importance of the infrastructure on which the banking industry ...
03 November 2011 /payments /retail
The proposals to update the Mifid directive governing European financial markets is just the latest in a slew of regulatory initiatives to hit the financial services market. The increase in regulatory attention in the financial markets is a global phenomenon, and shows no sign of abating in the foreseeable future. And given the backdrop of the cur...
03 November 2011 /payments /wholesale
Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research
No sooner than the Eurozone crisis appears to be moving into calmer waters than another shock wave hits. Only a week ago it looked like Merkel and Sarkozy had agreed a deal to buy some time to ultimately solve the Eurozone crisis and now it looks like the whole thing is going to collapse. I know a week is a long time in politics but this is becomi...
02 November 2011 /payments Post-Trade Forum
Just a moment ago, Finextra tweeted an piece of Amex-related news: American Express has filed a patent for a system and method for using loyalty rewards as a currency. Any loyalty practitioner will find this statement odd. Loyalty rewards mostly operate on the concept of a 'rewards currency'. So, what is so different about this? Further reading r...
01 November 2011 /payments
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