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4860 Results from /payments

David Divitt

David Divitt Senior Fraud Product Manager at VocaLink

Lifecycle of a fraud

Card fraud is a massive problem around the world, costing banks and consumers time and money. Even when we seem to be making headway the criminals find another way in, which is why we see stats such as those from the UK earlier this year, which showed that fraud losses on UK issued cards climbed 14 per cent last year to hit £388 million, the first...

/payments /regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Contact-less Mess

Contactless / proximity payments are all the hype these days (actually last several years). They are supported and heavily marketed by pretty much all payment schemes. Mastercard has PayPass, Visa has PayWave, American Express has ExpressPay, Discover has ZIP and JCB has JSpeedy. Similarly, the NFC based mobile proximity payments (mainly using s...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Payments romance: When Apple met NFC

The yearly Apple keynote wasn't a demonstration of new products. Since its inception it's increasingly become a parade of the firm's utter dominance of the consumer technology market. A stunt of self-publicity focused just as much on its own glory than future potential. And rightly so. I don't care much for self-promotion, but if you've done as mu...

/payments /retail Future Finance

Mervin Amos

Mervin Amos Senior Pre-Sales Engineer at NCR ATLEOS

A payment system checklist

Payment systems are complex and no two are the same, but if you’re thinking of upgrading or changing your payment system, there are five key areas to consider with your prospective platform. Control Institutions need to be able to take control of their payment system themselves. Gone are the days of budgeting 10 years’ fees to keep paying the origi...


David Divitt

David Divitt Senior Fraud Product Manager at VocaLink

Bayesian v Neural Networks

Payment fraud evolves constantly, changing and adapting to the systems, networks and infrastructure. Criminals are always on the lookout for a weak link in the payment cycle to exploit, altering their behaviour to extract maximum value from their fraud activities. Responding to this ever-changing landscape is the responsibility of everyone involved...

/payments /regulation

Bo Harald

Bo Harald Chairman/Founding member, board member at Trust Infra for Real Time Economy Prgrm & MyData,

Digitalize or die

It is a wellknown fact that the capability of IT is doubling in relation to its cost every year. It seems to be less wellknown what it means when something huge is doubling and doubling and.. (Ray Kurzweiler knows) for enterprises, the public sector and national economies. For European enterprises - struggling with both cost and service capability...

/payments Innovation in Financial Services

Retired Member

Retired Member 

The Mobile Generation and Banks that Stand Still

I went to a banking technology seminar just over a year ago where the main focus of the presentations was how to create a single universal payment message type and the issues around customer ID&V. The subject inevitably turned to the UK Payments Council new Scheme - since Account Switching is going live end of this month and they needed somet


Elton Cane

Elton Cane Digital product delivery at News Corp Australia

Sometimes you've got to force convenience on people.

I've got a confession to make. I still sign my signature with a pen when I use my credit card. I don't have to, and I really shouldn't. I've been writing about technology, banking and payments on and off for about 15 years. I consider myself fairly digital savvy, I like gadgets, and I went through the whole transition to Chip and Pin when I was liv...

/payments Future Finance

Jane Adams

Jane Adams Marketing at Currently looking for a job

Making people want wallets

Consumer research we carried out recently amongst US consumers paints a worrying picture for putative mobile wallet issuers. We asked 1015 US consumers who they most trusted to issue mobile wallets. The question was preceded by a brief definition of a mobile wallet that was designed to be understandable to non-industry specialists (and that also fi...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Worldwide Devices to Reach 2.35 Billion this Year

As mobile applications become increasingly important to users, many companies are failing to leverage them to boost consumer engagement. According to recent Genesys research, there are an estimated 1 million mobile applications representing 40 billion downloads by consumers across the globe. Furthermore, Gartner has projected that worldwide device...


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