269 Results from 2012, /payments
Bo Harald Chairman/Founding member, board member at Trust Infra for Real Time Economy Prgrm & MyData,
Europe 17.12.2008 Dear Santa, We have been really nice, technology-neutral and hardworking Experts this year and look forward to You bringing us a few presents to play around with in 2009. The first wish is a book - more precisely a handbook. We namely wrote a letter to the EU Commission in July and asked for Equal Treatment of paper and e-invoici...
03 December 2012 /payments Innovation in Financial Services
Retired Member
Last week, Deutsche Bank ran a SEPA outreach event, bringing the practicalities of migration to SEPA compliance to a large group of their current and prospective clients. The end date of course is February 2014. But with code freezes typical at year-end, for all intents and purposes SEPA compliance projects need to be complete a year from now. For ...
29 November 2012 /payments Transaction Banking
The regulatory position on interchange fees in Europe over the last 5/10 years has shifted significantly. Whereas in the 1990’s and as late as 2002 the competition authorities gave the international card schemes clearance when they filed their interchange fee arrangements (albeit the latter one with conditions) now the regulators seem to be very ...
26 November 2012 /payments
eBilling and eStatements: what are your paperless options for 2013. When it comes to electronic delivery of documents to your consumers and business customers, there are three choices: build your own self-serve portal (and mobile website or app), use a third party consolidator, or deliver them via email. Lets examine the pros and cons of each: I...
Liquidity has moved further and further up banking executives’ agendas thanks to the growing industry focus as well as regulatory demands for more liquidity to be available in banks. Following the 2008 crash, liquidity has established itself as a risk concern for banks like never before – the failure of Northern Rock was essentially one of liquidi...
22 November 2012 /payments /regulation
Elizabeth Lumley Global FinTech Commentator at Girl, Disrupted
This post was originally called Atheists versus Evangelicals...then I walked away from it. Then I toyed with the idea of 'Battlefield Payments'...but what I really wanted to talk about was more than payments and I'm really not that big a John Travolta fan anymore. Then two (well, really three) things happened at Sibos in Osaka this year. (Yes, I ...
21 November 2012 /payments /sibos Finance 2.0
As you reach the end of your annual planning cycle raise a glass with me to Bottom Up Annual financial planning, I really think it can work. Be honest though, is your Company’s annual plan a bottom up plan, a top down plan or a plan that started out as a bottom up exercise, lurched through a few iterations of that and finally ended up as a top do...
21 November 2012 /payments
No it’s not a magic trick with smoke and mirrors, though come to think of it many will probably consider it so. On the occasions when I have experienced the transition from simply being a customer to being a fan I have concluded that it is essentially down to the 3 P’s – Professional, Personal and Personable and more often than not it’s nothing e...
20 November 2012 /payments
Andres Fontao Partner at finnovista
I am recently back to Madrid from a week-long business trip to San Francisco. Despite working in the mobile financial services industry for the past 5 years, until this week I had never encountered a true opportunity to engage in native mobile payment and commerce transactions. Before arriving in San Francisco on Tuesday night, I could count with ...
19 November 2012 /payments Payments strategies 2015-2020-2030
New products, new channels, massive technological change and all bundled up into two major releases each year by the card schemes, well, as it says in each closing episode of Frasier – ‘What is a boy to do’ Put simply, the ambition to keep interchange fee structures as simple as possible is under constant challenge by an industry characterised by i...
14 November 2012 /payments
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