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339 Results from 2011, /payments

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Why Do Checks Still Dominate B2B Payments in NA? Cont'd

Why do companies continue to pay by check? In part four of the series “The Top 5 Reasons Why Checks Still Dominate B2B Payments,” I explore the challenges surrounding the perceived need for IT resources. Reason #4 - IT Resources. Every IT department will tell you that they have more projects to do than they have resources and budget to accomplish...

/payments Payments strategies 2015-2020-2030

Bob Lyddon

Bob Lyddon Consultant at Lyddon Consulting Services

Stakeholder Management and Communication

Stakeholder Management and Communication are two areas where the SEPA programme has been particularly weak. The payment schemes were not developed "by banks in close dialogue with customers" as the EPC claims; one of the main complaints of the other stakeholders is that the EPC developed the schemes in isolation from the users; users wer...


Brett King

Brett King CEO & Founder at Moven

Apple puts NFC on hold? Let's relax...not

There's rumours flying around about Apple possibly pulling out of their previous NFC (Near-Field Communications) launch commitment for the iPhone 5. Of course, Apple has neither substantiated or denied these rumours. However, I can already hear a collective sigh of relief from many of the card product teams globally who now think they have another...

/payments Innovation in Financial Services

Retired Member

Retired Member 

EC and standards - getting what you wished for

Banks have been working on standards for inter-bank credit transfer messages for around 50 years. Those standards have typically been used for cross-border credit transfer systems and not for domestic systems. However, as a political and strategic goal of the European Union is to have a single market – one large “domestic” market – it’s always b...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

e-mandate- how, where and when

As direct debit still is one of the most convenient ways to pay bills, especially when paying monthly recurring payments like gym member ship fees or monthly subscription of magazines or news. It is not only convenient for merchant but for consumer. E-mandate looks really nice on SEPA paper, when consumer gives a right for merchant to bill me ever...

/payments Payments strategies 2015-2020-2030

Barry Kislingbury

Barry Kislingbury Lead Solutions Consultant at ACI Worldwide

Is SWIFTs strategy working?

February is the time for many of us to visit SWIFT for the annual Partner meeting. It was nice to see some new faces this year and it’s also a great opportunity to catch up and discuss SWIFTs strategies with the regular crowd. SWIFT is a unique organisation in the midst of change, it is trying to become more commercial but it is also a standards b...

/payments /wholesale Transaction Banking

Bo Harald

Bo Harald Chairman/Founding member, board member at Trust Infra for Real Time Economy Prgrm & MyData,

Heavyweight support for global e-invoicing ISO standard

This is the global support from SWIFT that the market needs. As seen from the work with the Single European Payment Area it is necessary to get a network standard in place first – and then make the market create end-to-end harmonization. This will happen faster if enterprises using these services and regulators see and drive the big picture – and ...

/payments Innovation in Financial Services

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Why Do Checks Still Dominate B2B Payments in NA? Cont'd

Why do companies continue to pay by check? In part three of the series, “The Top 5 Reasons Why Checks Still Dominate B2B Payments” I explore the challenges associated with bringing about process change. Reason #3 - Process Change. The migration from paper to electronic payments will lead to process change and anyone who has tried to introduce bus...

/payments Payments strategies 2015-2020-2030

Bo Harald

Bo Harald Chairman/Founding member, board member at Trust Infra for Real Time Economy Prgrm & MyData,

Rapidly growing E-Invoicing adoption rates

Snippets (emphasis mine) from Bruno Koch newsletter “Market development in 2010 was very dynamic, although I was somewhat over-optimistic in the case of Italy and Spain. I assumed that the Italian legislation (making electronic invoices compulsory for the public sector) would be ratified immediately. In Spain, while the suppliers’ obligations to...

/payments Innovation in Financial Services

Bob Lyddon

Bob Lyddon Consultant at Lyddon Consulting Services

Anonymous e-invoicing

Hello, anonymous! It is interesting that you feel the need to remain anonymous when taking issue publicly with a representative of the "Innovation" space. Is it career-threatening to do so? My opinion is that for 10 years we have confused "Innovative" with "Useful" in this industry; the publicity space is clogged with...


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