339 Results from 2011, /payments
Bo Harald Chairman/Founding member, board member at Trust Infra for Real Time Economy Prgrm & MyData,
Negative carrots have helped a lot: Noteworthy: - growth 11,9m - 14% of payments in Internet banks now e-invoice initiated - 34% of e-bank customers receive e-invoices
01 April 2011 /payments Innovation in Financial Services
TeliaSonera (the leading Nordic telco) announced this week in Finland that they will increase the charge for sending paper invoices to corporate customers from 5 to 10€. Consumers are charged 1,90. This clear policy is for sure to be applauded – good for all parties (and big time for society at large) – for the following reasons: 1. The cost saving...
Brett King CEO & Founder at Moven
In the latest attempt to capitalize on the NFC and RFID hype, the rumor mill has exploded with news that the IOC and the team behind the London Olympics is trialing new RFID bio-chips. The micro RFID chips that will be injected under the skin of the shoulder of professional athletes, will be used for everything from entry to secure venues, payment...
01 April 2011 /security /payments Innovation in Financial Services
Retired Member
The North American B2B Payments landscape is somewhat unique, due in large part to the significantly high use of checks as opposed to ACH, wires or cards. The shortcomings of checks are well known and understood and they include higher costs, greater levels of fraud and longer settlement periods. The 2010 AFP Electronic Payments Survey indicated ...
31 March 2011 /payments Payments strategies 2015-2020-2030
I always thought that with so many 'free to use' cash machines, why would any customer pay a charge to withdraw one's own money. I stopped by the services at Beaconsfield and saw two Link cash machines with a few customers. I rationalised that it must be a coincidence to have so many customers. So I observed for 10 minutes. There were always custo...
31 March 2011 /payments
Why do companies continue to pay by check? In part five of the series, “The Top 5 Reasons Why Checks Still Dominate B2B Payments,” I explore the challenges of corporate inertia and resistance to change. Reason #5 - Corporate Inertia and Resistance to Change. Let’s face it, organizational change is difficult. For some, the risk of change exceeds ...
29 March 2011 /payments Payments strategies 2015-2020-2030
Wrote this last year: "So sensemaking to let citizens log in to public sector with e-bank log-on tools. This is so saving both tax payer's money and speeding up e-government as tools are familiar, trusted and much more convenient than any public-sector-only tool would be. Several countries have already this so obviously beneficial public-pri...
29 March 2011 /payments Innovation in Financial Services
In response to the blog about "Google partners Citi and MasterCard on NFC m-payments", I thought I would give you my thoughts on the NFC options that are out there. It might only be Citi for now, but I suspect all of the major banks are looking at this. There are effectively 3 ways of achieving NFC in your phone/mobile device and each ...
2010 was a good growth year for e-invoicing using the Finvoice standard in Finland. 71% growth – now 14,4m (good bank statistics available). This would on EU-level equal 1 billion invoices. 1,1 million e-invoice requests-to-receive) were sent – EU equivalent would be 71m. Other formats (TEAPPS and Edifact ) exceed 100m in a conservative estimate. ...
28 March 2011 /payments Innovation in Financial Services
Ray Kurzweil eminently presents his views in this video. Singularity it will be – maybe not dramatically – like the Computer with its superior artificial intelligence having become so good at improving itself and its friends (with exponential speed) that It one day will stand up and say: “Thank you humans for having created me. I will take over fr...
26 March 2011 /payments Innovation in Financial Services
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