206 Results from 2009, /payments
Retired Member
I've been known to make some outrageous predictions about such things as how many (few) global banks there would be in a few years (last year) and the boring sort of stuff, like there is no security on the internet, and that tech stocks like google were over-valued, privacy and trust issues, that sort of thing. I've been thinking about 'banking' l...
19 March 2009 /payments Futuristic Banking
Let me explain.. What technology can bring to table? Yesterday I was seeing some of the dashboards for banks. Looking at them, I found that it can’t be a dashboard - all static one. Like a standing car - when somebody just insert key and unlock handle. You can see fuel meter dial gauge indicating the static position. Right now the dashboards exist...
18 March 2009 /payments /regulation
Bo Harald Chairman/Founding member, board member at Trust Infra for Real Time Economy Prgrm & MyData,
13 March 2009 /payments
Perhaps the lack of popularity of NFC is due to excessive assumptions regarding NFC and the absence of real benefits overall. The assumption in the article that other methods require more expertise on the part of the user is unfounded. I am personally familiar with systems which are both safer and easier to use than NFC and SMS. Customers choosing ...
12 March 2009 /payments /retail Innovation in Financial Services
Hardly mobile transactions. No different than sticking a chip to your shoe and waving your number 10's at the reader. While it is nice cheap spin it really isn't mobile, you need a reader plugged in somewhere for a start. I can understand Barclays wanting to leverage all that hardware and Chip and PIN infrastructure they shelled out for. I watch, w...
10 March 2009 /payments Innovation in Financial Services
By now it should be clear that any e-bank for consumers should receive e-invoices for one-click approval. Before that the service is just a typewriter - to fill in lots of details and lenghty reference numbers. Salary/pension/direct debit advices etc statements should also be just one click away from the credit transaction. Any SME-e-banking sho...
08 March 2009 /payments Transaction Banking
Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at Safr.me
In the US we are approaching tax time. Scammers are ramped up and looking for your money. Learn these tips and watch your back. Protect and prevent Identity Theft. 1. Text messaging scams or Phexting Like phishing but texting); Criminal hackers have access to technology that generates cell phone numbers and access to mass text messaging services.
05 March 2009 /security /payments
Nick Hastings
OK so this may not be entirely relevant to our usual content covered here on Finextra but I wanted to use my blog profile as a platform to share with the world (well based on our recent user figures we're getting towards the whole world!) the training for and subsequent charity walk I will do doing in April. So what am I doing? From 22 - 28 April ...
26 February 2009 /payments /wholesale Whatever...
Hans Hagen Founder at Alphastrike
A new challenger to Western Union recently emerged in the money transfer area. The WooGroup, based in Paris, was recently listed on the Paris stock exchange (Nyse Euronext, ticker MLWOO). After a somewhat chaotic start – the listing was postponed a week following liquidity problems by Europe Finance et Industry, tasked to manage the introduction – ...
26 February 2009 /payments Trends in Financial Services
Paul Penrose Head of Research at Finextra
PayPal in Germany recently conducted an interesting experiment to see how far you can get in the offline world using just an iPhone and a PayPal account. The firm equipped two competing teams on a trip from their hometowns to Hamburg – approximately 280 miles – with instructions that they could only pay for any goods and services they needed using ...
20 February 2009 /payments /retail EBAday
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