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206 Results from 2009, /payments

Bo Harald

Bo Harald Chairman/Founding member, board member at Trust Infra for Real Time Economy Prgrm & MyData,

What will our children say..

We are now in the process of expanding the public debt - in our childrens' name - beyond previously imagined boundaries. Apart from being a questionable practise to use much more money than you earn - it is also by definition leading to over-consumption. And what are we borrowing for? Is it for creating more sustainable structures and way of life?...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Implications of Facebook Credits

When viewed against the total universe of Facebook applications (numbering in the tens of thousands), the subset of financial applications is by all measures a tiny one. Most are related to “financial entertainment” – simulators, games, and “just for fun” apps enabling users to buy and sell their friends, or send virtual gifts such as bailouts or...

/payments Finance 2.0

Retired Member

Retired Member 

All I know about ATMs I learned at the Movies

There is a scene in the movie Terminator 2 in which a young John Connor uses a computer to steal money from an ATM machine. This movie opened in 1991. Which makes me seriously wonder why ATMs are still so vulnerable to these same type of attacks today? I doubt that when James Cameron envisioned and scripted this type of theft eighteen years ag...

/security /payments Transaction Banking

Paul Penrose

Paul Penrose Head of Research at Finextra

The mysterious case of the dodgy VocaLink hotmail account

Another day, another sorry tale of dirty tricks, identity theft and corporate espionage on the Finextra news beat. Intrigued? Then read on. I promise you won't be disappointed. A couple of weeks back the Finextra news desk received an e-mailed press release announcing the acquisition of niche payments consulting firm The Sepa Consultancy by US tech...

/payments /retail Whatever...

Bo Harald

Bo Harald Chairman/Founding member, board member at Trust Infra for Real Time Economy Prgrm & MyData,

Consumer e-invoicing making great progress

Check progress here: Really important to provide same user experience for private-role and SME-role receivers and senders. And naturally the same tool when billing consumers and enterprises. A rising number of receivers are already starting to not-buy if e-invoice is not o...


Hans Hagen

Hans Hagen Founder at Alphastrike

The Amex Paradox as US Credit Card Issuers Crash Land

In a recent article in the New York Times, the major US credit card issuers have put on their safety belts and crash helmets, as they prepare for a major crash landing with their credit card portfolios. Credit card losses are soaring to unprecedented levels as unemployment rises, and cardholders struggle to make ends meet. From credit card write...


Bo Harald

Bo Harald Chairman/Founding member, board member at Trust Infra for Real Time Economy Prgrm & MyData,

There are no corporate customers

There are no "private customers" either.. Only human customers in different roles. And they surely deserve to be served with similar tools, logic and language irrespective of the role. Anything else is bad service and slowing up adoption of more productive practises in both roles. This is especially important for SMEs - 23 million of them...

/payments Innovation in Financial Services

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Unlocking the m-payments deadlock

The recent report from Arthur D Little, a global management consultancy specialising in strategy and operations management, predicting a 68 per cent per annum increase in mobile transaction volume to 2012 highlights how the mobile phone is one of the most promising emerging payment channels. The claim that developing countries will drive this grow...

/payments /retail

Retired Member

Retired Member 

M and A acceleration and the CIO's role

Although many may claim to have done so, nobody could have predicted the severity of the current economic situation. The domino-effect continues and it is becoming more and more difficult to determine whether a business partner, competitor or service provider will be in existence next month or even next week. As a result many mergers and acquisit...

/payments Trends in Financial Services

Hans Hagen

Hans Hagen Founder at Alphastrike

Levering ATMs for Cardless Money Transfer

For some time I have been intrigued by banks' lack of interest in, or inability to leverage their ATM networks to gain a competitive edge. Traditionally used for cash advances and balance enquiries, ATMs have turned into more of a multimedia kiosk capable of providing a wide range of services. One area of particular interest, in my mind, is money ...

/payments Trends in Financial Services

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