206 Results from 2009, /payments
Retired Member
Everyone has to pay and pay. The local council is the beneficiary of all sorts of payments from residents. Parking, rates, fines, permits etc. Rather than use several third parties to gather all these payments could councils become payment system providers? Would you prefer to sign up with your local council once - to make a payment anytime for par...
09 June 2009 /payments /retail Whatever...
Elton Cane Digital product delivery at News Corp Australia
The full text of the Job vs Halifax judgement makes for interesting reading. Both claimant and defendant called some well qualified witnesses, from Cambridge University and APACS. The bank produced a transaction log that it says indicated Job's disputed transactions were handled according to the Chip and PIN process, and did not default to a magnet...
05 June 2009 /security /payments Transaction Fraud Systems and Analysis
We have 3 types of payment cards 1) Pay before (Prepaid) 2) Pay Now (Debit) 3) Pay After. (Credit) Debit and Credit cards have a long history – but it seems that the Prepaid Card is some kind invention – but is it really that – or is it just “old wine” in a new bottle (not to says that old wine is not good) Pay Before – prepaid car
03 June 2009 /payments
Cedric Pariente Stanford Certified Project Manager at EFFI Consultants
The situation in France is pretty unique in these times of crisis. Here is how credit is structured and how French people see it and use it. CREDIT IN FRANCE What is the credit situation in France and how do French people see the credit? Well, as a matter of fact granting of credit in France has always been strict. Actually it’s already been like ...
29 May 2009 /payments Transaction Fraud Systems and Analysis
Bo Harald Chairman/Founding member, board member at Trust Infra for Real Time Economy Prgrm & MyData,
I wrote a letter to Santa last December and he seems to have taken it seriously at least with the most demanding present: "The second wish is a standard - more precisely a common and global standard that will fulfill both the needs of SMEs (being easy to use) and their frequently very large and sometimes bully trading partners who have a need...
28 May 2009 /payments
Paul Penrose Head of Research at Finextra
With the spectre of negative interest rates hoving into view, is it time to rethink the value of cash as a medium of exchange? Failure to do so will lead inevitably to currency hoarding as savers turn their assets into cash to avoid the deflationary effects of a move to negative interest charges. In his maverecon blog at the FT, Wiliam Buiter, a f...
20 May 2009 /payments /retail EBAday
In the other part of my virtual life, I have written about the push toward ISO20022--both the positives and the negatives around the new standard as well as the lack of a business case directed toward corporates. So if these comments seem a little familiar--don't say I didn't warn you. Because I still think the issues that I raised are valid and s...
20 May 2009 /payments Innovation in Financial Services
To say that I am an evangelist for mobile financial services would be an understatement, but I confess to experiencing purely personal delight at the pace of mobile financial services. That pace is slow. I've recently had a quick African immersion and have seen that the real story on the ground is far from rosy for the current mobile financial serv...
20 May 2009 /payments /retail Whatever...
Currently the messages MT103 / 103+ are used to effect a customer credit transfer and the MT 202 is used for a financial institution transfer. In order to speed up the payment process for customer credit transfers in some cases an additional cover payment message (MT202) is sent to an intermediary bank whereas the underlying customer credit tr...
19 May 2009 /payments /wholesale SWIFT Matters
It is not the recession - it is the demographic challenge - not enough people in working age -as demonstrated in this EU-produced chart: http://boharald.blogspot.com/2008/05/need-to-automate-away-routines.html
18 May 2009 /payments
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