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265 Results from /devops

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APIs and the Abstraction of Cars

In 2010, for the first time in history, we registered over a billion passenger cars on our roads, globally. It is estimated that by 2050, there will be 2.5 billion cars on our roads! Clearly, cars are a big part of our lives and will continue to stay for a while. That being said, have you ever opened the bonnet of your car and had a look inside t

/devops API

Anthony Walton

Anthony Walton CEO at Iliad Solutions

Launching products is becoming more painful for banks

All banks find launching new products and making changes to their operating systems to be a painful process. As new technology is layered onto the old, the process of testing and launching is only going to get more difficult. Making mistakes is costing the banking industry millions and destroying brand reputation. On 27th July 2018 TSB published i...

/devops Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

API Security: Who has the right key?

Everyone has at least one set of keys; don’t they? You can recognize your keys and you make sure you take them wherever you go. Look at each key on your keyring and you know which door or cabinet it opens (well, we should know anyway). Some of us have keys we no longer know the purpose of – what we do know is that the lock for that key is probabl

/devops API

Retired Member

Retired Member 

The Market Data Fire Swamp

Market Data in the trading industry reminds me of the Fire Swamp in the movie “The Princess Bride” (1987). Do you remember the Fire Swamp? It was characterized by three primary dangers - The Creatures of Unusual Size, The Lightning Sand, and the Fire Spurts. The SEC is currently facing off with the industry over market data. My experience going thr...

/devops Fintech

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API Orchestration or Choreography, what’s your choice?

Have you’ve ever visited India? How did you cope with the traffic there? It’s clearly different to the regular, organized approach we are used to in Europe. After spending a couple of days in Bangalore recently, I became aware that my reaction to traffic had changed; I was not fazed (read terrified) by traffic behavior anymore and actually started

/devops API

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Most of us think we know what an API is but cannot seem to agree on what an API should be

The general consensus amongst API providers is that we should build reusable APIs, but consumers want more - they want an API that gives them everything they need. These tactics challenge one another. Building for the consumer Consumers of data or functionality want everything in one single and simple package. Facilitating this approach can lead t

/devops API

Alex Kreger

Alex Kreger Founder & CEO at UXDA

8 Steps to Delightful Banking Using UX Design Methodology

What if there was a banking solution designed by Apple? Would all the other digital financial solutions be forced out of business? There are rumors about what would happen if Google, Apple, Facebook or Amazon (also referred to as GAFA) decided to enter the world of banking. My team decided to put this idea into action and dare to use UX design met...

/retail /devops Innovation in Financial Services

Shailendra Malik

Shailendra Malik SVP - Tech Delivery (Data Platform) at DBS Bank

Evolving Multi-Cloud solutions and strategies

In today’s ever-evolving IT systems world the cloud & big data are no longer buzzwords, they drive strategy and an even heavy chunk of budgeting discussion. As big organizations gear up to invest big in their cloud strategies and the follower herd readies themselves, there are many trends that are coming to fore that are causing the CIOs bad h...

/devops Fintech innovation and startups

Retired Member

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Making Coffee - to explain APIs and Domains

I was invited to a meeting recently, to explain APIs and why they are important for our digital blueprint. I had no idea who the audience was nor their level of understanding of the basics of APIs. So, with no handy deck prepared for the meeting I entered the room, armed with my laptop full of previous presentations. I was introduced to the team

/devops Banking Architecture

Retired Member

Retired Member 

The Hollywood Principle

Inversion of Control: Don't call us, we'll call you. Remember when you were a child, going on a long trip with your parents. Remember the frustration; “Are we there yet?”, “Are we there yet?” Now, as an adult - imagine or remember your own frustration from being nagged! For both parties, this pattern is not ideal; children are frustrated with not

/devops Banking Architecture

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