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626 Results from /crypto

Nischal Shetty

Nischal Shetty CEO at WazirX

Cryptocurrency Security: How To Protect Your Digital Investment

Cryptocurrency security encompasses everything you need to know about the potential dangers with cryptocurrency, as well as the fundamentals of what you can do to make your setting related to your crypto investments or trades safer and safeguard your crypto assets. You should be aware that a centralized cryptocurrency service does not offer the

/security /crypto Cryptocurrency Insights

Mark Mayerfeld

Mark Mayerfeld CRO at GK8

PayPal’s entrance to the crypto market will reshape the banking ecosystem as we know it

PayPal’s decisive entrance to the digital asset space a few months ago, with their recent crypto checkout addition, should ring the alarm bells in boardrooms of banks throughout the nation. Crypto is here to stay, and banks that won’t act fast to include digital assets as part of their offerings will be left behind, suffering from a serious gap in...

/retail /crypto Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

Tamas Kadar

Tamas Kadar Founder and CEO at SEON

Stopping fraud on crypto, FOREX and online trading platforms

The world of cryptocurrency, forex and online stock trading moves so quickly that by the time anything can be written about it the opposite will most likely be true. At time of writing, the price of cryptocurrencies has crashed by almost $1.3 trillion, with Bitcoin, the most popular cryptocurrency, losing almost half of its value in April. Despite...

/security /crypto Cryptocurrency Insights

Shaju Nair

Shaju Nair Payments SME, Product Manager at Temenos

CBDC - the waking giant

Just about a decade ago, banks worried about fintechs taking away 'some' of their businesses. Some years ago, banks worried about cryptocurrencies taking away 'more' of their businesses. Today banks need to worry if central banks would take away 'most' of their businesses. Welcome to CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currencies) - the dragon Dracarys of ...

/payments /crypto Innovation in Financial Services

Janne Jutila

Janne Jutila Head of Business Alliances at Signicat AS

Competition in digital money - who will win?

The first U.S. dollar, as it is known today, was printed in 1914 upon the creation of the Federal Reserve Bank. Since Bretton Wood conference in 1944 U.S. dollar has been the unchallenged global reserve currency with a dominating role in global trade. Before the hegemony of dollar, during previous centuries, the status of leading currency was much...

/payments /crypto Blockchain Observations

Sean Salloux

Sean Salloux CEO at Sentinel Digital

Millennials Are Driving Digital Assets Adoption Forwards

Millennials are especially interested in digital assets and are keen to learn more about them, according to Mastercard. 40 per cent of people are planning to use digital assets in the coming year, according to Mastercard's New Payments Index. In particular, 67 percent of millennials said they were more likely to use digital assets now compared to a...

/payments /crypto Fintech

Retired Member

Retired Member 

For the first time in the world, Bitcoin has become the official currency

El Salvador is the smallest country in Central America by area, it is washed over by the Pacific Ocean and often called the land of lakes and volcanoes. An otherwise unremarkable nation went down in history by taking an unprecedented step and adopting bitcoin as legal tender, as announced by President Nayib Bukele on Twitter. The law was passed by ...

/inclusion /crypto Cryptocurrency Insights

Joris Lochy

Joris Lochy Product Manager at Intix | Co-founder at Capilever

NFTs - A hype or a lasting new investment asset class?

NFTs are at the moment a real buzz. The word NFT stands for non-fungible token, which means a unique, irreplaceable cryptographic object. It aims to manage ownership of digital content (digital collectible items) by storing the ownership in the form of a digital certificate on a blockchain (usually on the Ethereum blockchain, but other blockchains...

/wealth /crypto Blockchain Observations

Yuliya Barabash

Yuliya Barabash Managing Partner at SBSB Fintech Lawyers

The Whole World Changing and Being Digitalized

Being associated only with Bitcoin just 5 years ago, the word “cryptocurrency” had not been known to anyone 12 years ago. In 2021 there are around 2300 varieties of digital currencies. This payment method is steadily moving towards offline and is set to become a full-fledged means of payment alongside fiat currencies. Crypto finances were initiall...

/payments /crypto Trends in Financial Services

Simon Gegen

Simon Gegen Financial cloud services and wallet solutions at Holla-Tech

Solving The CEX vs DEX Dilemma In Crypto

• The way digital assets are being traded is evolving • Centralized services and decentralized platforms are in deep competition • Hybrid CEX and DEX solutions are starting to develop • Trading in the future could look to use a combination of various open-source tech from both CEX and DEX Digital asset trading rose to prominence in the past few

/startups /crypto Peer-To-Peer

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