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626 Results from /crypto

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Orchestration: the key for banks to capitalize on digital assets

The IPO of Coinbase earlier this year was a moment of great symbolism. The listing of the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchange is another manifestation of crypto going mainstream. But it also underlines the disruption blowing through financial services. A direct listing, it cuts out the usual intermediaries as decentralized finance also threate...

/wealth /crypto Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

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Litecoin and Walmart

The anthology of a fake. Litecoin's price skyrockets by 36% in 20 minutes and goes back down. On Monday, the web was discombobulated when reports emerged that Walmart, one of the largest retailers in the world, was allegedly about to start accepting Litecoin as payment. The news was shared by major media outlets such as CNBC and Reuters. Within 20 ...

/inclusion /crypto Cryptocurrency Insights

Leon Gauhman

Leon Gauhman Founder and CPO/CSO at Elsewhen

Is DeFi the silver bullet to help struggling SMEs secure easier access to finance?

2021 has been a remarkable year for the entrepreneurs pioneering the growth of Decentralised Finance (DeFi). While traditional banks have exhibited the same kind of suspicion that they direct at cryptocurrency, DeFi-powered platforms like Maker, Compound and Aave have grown rapidly as investors pile onboard. DeFi is often cited as a means of ext

/crypto /predictions DeFi

Sean Salloux

Sean Salloux CEO at Sentinel Digital

Major UK Financial Firms Embrace Digital Assets

Digital assets will replace traditional currency in 10 years, London firms say. The attitude among the financial community is warming towards digital assets for a variety of reasons. Interest in blockchain-powered financial services has peaked in line with the rise in popularity of digital assets combined with concerns over Brexit’s impact on the ...

/payments /crypto Fintech

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Cryptocurrency Payment Gateway Development | Best Crypto Development Solutions

The cryptocurrency was dismissed as a fanciful figment of imagination even when the first bitcoin was introduced in 2009. Today, however, cryptocurrency and the blockchain technology have become undeniable and inevitable parts of the technology and financial landscapes globally. A lot of renowned names like IBM, JP Morgan, and even Facebook have ...

/inclusion /crypto Cryptocurrency Insights

Sean Salloux

Sean Salloux CEO at Sentinel Digital

How Digital Banking Services Are Encouraging Financial Inclusion

Digital banking platforms are stepping in and filling the gap as they provide millions of unbanked people with access to financial services. As digital financial services develop, banks and non-banks have the prospect of reaching millions of new customers among previously excluded and underserved populations. Digital financial channels are growing ...

/payments /crypto Fintech

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Whitelabel NFT Marketplace Development - All You Need To Know About This Innovative Platform

The concept of non-fungible tokens has been on a frenzied spree all over the digital world. The entire credit goes to the cryptocurrency domain for paving the way for the creation of this innovative platform that is deemed to be a dominating digital force in the near future. Non-fungible tokens have impressed almost every business industry to take...

/inclusion /crypto Blockchain Observations

Paul Kitchener

Paul Kitchener Technical Marketing Manager at Speakerbus

Regulators Get Tough on Online Trading Platforms

Both the blockchain and low-cost trading apps have had their share of ups and downs during the global pandemic. In addition, over the last few months, we have seen financial regulators tighten their grip on these firms, both mobile Stock trading applications and Crypto exchanges. In June, the U.S. Financial Industry Regulatory Authority delivered ...

/crypto /crime

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The implications of legalising BTC

In June this year, El Salvador’s President Nayib Bukele announced he was proposing bill that recognizes Bitcoin as “legal tender.” If enacted, El Salvador will become the first sovereign nation to formally recognize Bitcoin as its national currency, alongside the United States Dollar. The longer term implications of this legislation are, obviously...

/payments /crypto Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

Sean Salloux

Sean Salloux CEO at Sentinel Digital

Embedded Finance Is Revolutionising Banking for Brands and Customers

How embedded finance is streamlining banking and payments for consumers and enabling brands to launch new products with ease. About a decade ago, challenger banks and neobanks signalled the start of the fintech revolution. Traditional banks stood up and took notice of the industry upending potential of fintech apps with their seamless in-app experi...

/payments /crypto Fintech

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