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465 Results from /crime

Serhii Bondarenko

Serhii Bondarenko Artificial Intelegence at Tickeron

The Art of Algorithmic Trading Strategies: Leveraging AI for Market Success

Algorithmic trading strategies, pivotal in today's financial markets, must be built on solid statistical methods and a sound understanding of market dynamics. These strategies automate trading by following a set of rules designed to capture persistent market inefficiencies. However, a strategy can only be effective if it consistently recognizes th...

/inclusion /crime Artificial Intelligence and Financial Services

Serhii Bondarenko

Serhii Bondarenko Artificial Intelegence at Tickeron

Effective Stock Analysis using AI

Hedge funds and institutional investors have traditionally held a significant advantage in the financial markets, largely due to their vast resources for research and sophisticated trading technology. This professional edge has enabled the development of advanced trading platforms that were well beyond the reach of individual retail investors. How...

/inclusion /crime Artificial Intelligence and Financial Services

Serhii Bondarenko

Serhii Bondarenko Artificial Intelegence at Tickeron

The Art of Swing Trading to Increase Profits

Swing trading is a financial strategy aimed at capitalizing on short- to medium-term gains in stock or other financial instruments over a period of a few days to several weeks. This method primarily employs technical analysis to identify potential trading opportunities, though it may occasionally incorporate fundamental analysis to bolster the tra...

/inclusion /crime Artificial Intelligence and Financial Services

Serhii Bondarenko

Serhii Bondarenko Artificial Intelegence at Tickeron

The Impact of AI on Predictive Analytics in Trading

In the evolving landscape of financial technology, innovations in artificial intelligence (AI) have ushered in a new era for trading bots, transforming the way market operations are conducted. These sophisticated algorithms based on Technical Analysis (TA) and Fundamental Analysis (FA) are not only redefining the approach to trading but are also e...

/inclusion /crime Artificial Intelligence and Financial Services

Serhii Bondarenko

Serhii Bondarenko Artificial Intelegence at Tickeron

What are the Tax Implications for Making a Profit (or Loss) On a Stock?

Investing in stocks can be a rewarding endeavor, but it's crucial to understand the tax implications of making a profit or incurring a loss on your investments. This article aims to provide insights into the tax considerations associated with stock investments and how they can impact your overall tax liability. Taxation of Stock Gains When you sel...

/inclusion /crime Artificial Intelligence and Financial Services

Ellen Roberson

Ellen Roberson Global Marketing Advisor, Risk, Fraud & Compliance at SAS

Generative AI vs. Fraudsters: How GenAI will reshape fraud fighting

Like nearly everyone else, anti-fraud professionals are anxious to put artificial intelligence (AI) to work – especially generative AI (GenAI). In fact, 8 in 10 (83%) of fraud fighters expect to add GenAI to their arsenals within the next two years, according to the 2024 Anti-Fraud Technology Benchmarking Report by the Association of Certified Frau...

/retail /crime Artificial Intelligence and Financial Services

Iain Swaine

Iain Swaine Director EMEA, Global Advisory at BioCatch

AI’s Impact on Digital Fraud and Financial Crime

Nearly 70% of the 600 fraud-management, anti-money laundering, and risk and compliance officials surveyed in BioCatch's first-ever AI-focused fraud and financial crime report say criminals are more adept at using artificial intelligence to commit financial crime than banks are at using the technology to stop it. Equally concerning, around half of ...

/regulation /crime Artificial Intelligence and Financial Services

Nick Green

Nick Green Director at Purple Patch Broking Ltd

Financial crime assessment with perpetual KYC oversight

Economic crime costs have escalated to an estimated £290* billion annually. Compounding this issue, billions are believed to be laundered through the UK finance system every week. And that’s why there’s a renewed focus on Know Your Customer (KYC)—specifically continuously monitoring it. Knowing your customers is crucial for financial institutions ...

/retail /crime Financial Risk Management

Serhii Bondarenko

Serhii Bondarenko Artificial Intelegence at Tickeron

The Art of Trading Day Trader vs. Swing Trader

Real-time pattern trading significantly simplifies the process of identifying optimal entry and exit points by scanning thousands of stocks and ETFs in minutes—an undertaking far beyond human capacity. Artificial Intelligence not only identifies these patterns but also conducts backtesting to evaluate their historical performance, thus establishin...

/inclusion /crime Artificial Intelligence

John Bertrand

John Bertrand MD at Tec 8 Limited

Future of Payment Review – six-months on – APP Fraud

Joe Garner’s Future of Payment review published in 2023 on behalf of the UK Government reflected the complexity of the current instant payment UK environment. The situation has allowed the UK’s early leadership in global instant payments to decline. The UK is starting to fall behind in terms of person-to-person payments made by bank account transf...

/payments /crime Operational Risk Management

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