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464 Results from /crime

Gabriel Hopkins

Gabriel Hopkins Chief Product Officer at Ripjar

Opportunities for UK Challenger Banks to address AML Compliance

With their innovative products and services challenger banks have revolutionised the banking sector. They offer greater flexibility and choice to consumers, something that their legacy competitors are currently unable to match. Research shows that the value of the neo and challenger bank market will continue to grow rapidly, reaching an estimated ...

/regulation /crime RegTech

Jamel Derdour

Jamel Derdour CMO at Transact365 / Nucleus365

Countering fraud in e-commerce in LATAM

E-commerce has revolutionised the way consumers are able to find and purchase goods and services online. In advanced economies, online transactions have become commonplace, with some businesses even phasing out cash payments completely. At the sametime, cash-dependent economies in emerging markets are starting to make the transition to online paym...

/markets /crime Payments strategies 2015-2020-2030

Steve Goddard

Steve Goddard FME at Featurespace

Why we should shed the stigma of being scammed

Mental health is the latest aspect of our lives that is quite rightly being destigmatised, and next on the list should be being scammed. This isn’t a problem that only faces the old and vulnerable, this is something that can affect us all. It is estimated that in the 12 months prior to 30th September 2020 there were 4.4 million fraud offences in th...

/retail /crime Exposing Financial Crime

Roy Prayikulam

Roy Prayikulam SVP Risk & Fraud Division at INFORM GmbH


2021 was a year of innovations in payments, from the wider acceptance of blockchain and cryptocurrency to new forms of digital wallets and currency. However, this meant that online fraudsters were also innovating and devising new ways to scam consumers out of their money or personal information online. Here we will dive into some of the ways fraud...

/payments /crime Trends in Financial Services

Jeremy Annis

Jeremy Annis CEO at Ripjar

The UK Economic Crime Bill and Russia sanctions: Advice for Banks

Following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the UK has been quick to join its Western allies in condemning Vladimir Putin’s regime and issuing economic sanctions. These sanctions have been swift, severe and designed to destabilise the country’s economy. In addition to these international moves, the UK government has also made significant progress with...

/regulation /crime Exposing Financial Crime

Baldeep Dogra

Baldeep Dogra Director of Solutions Marketing at BlackBerry

For the best cyber defence, be on the Blue Team

The truth is that your business is being attacked by cybercriminals. Yesterday. Today. Every day. Is your business ready? Would you know what to do? When it comes to cyberattacks, there is zero immunity. The BlackBerry 2022 Threat Report found that small and mid-sized businesses (SMBs) are currently experiencing 11-13 attacks per day. That’s an att...

/security /crime

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Fuel Payments - Alternate Fuels are leading to Alternate Fraud

How can the payments and fuel industries get prepared for the adoption of future vehicle technologies? Building a greener and more sustainable economy means consumers need to change how they consume, and businesses need to change how they produce and adapt their offerings to better meet consumer demand. Many businesses are realising they will benef...

/payments /crime Transaction Fraud Systems and Analysis

Todd Carroll

Todd Carroll CISO at CybelAngel

The Three Worst Financial Industry Data Leaks

Banks, fintechs and other financial institutions have a unique responsibility to maintain the highest level of data security. Billions of people trust them with highly sensitive personal information, ranging from credit scores to home addresses, birth dates and social security numbers. However, this data means that banks are very attractive targ...

/security /crime Information Security

Retired Member

Retired Member 

How banks can protect themselves from cyberattacks in light of the conflict in Ukraine

We live in an increasingly unstable world, a fact which has been exemplified by the unfolding of the Russian invasion in Ukraine. Unfortunately, nationalist tendencies can lead to heightened east versus west sentiments and increased attacks on all nationalities supporting Ukrainian sovereignty. What is unknown, however, is how Russian cybergangs w...

/retail /crime Financial Risk Management

Kris Jones

Kris Jones Head Of Marketing at allpay Limited

Full Time | Blowing The Whistle on Cartel Behaviour

By Victoria Preece, Compliance Director – allpay Limited “Competition law compliance is not always given the attention that it deserves. I would like to see anti-competitive behaviour taken as seriously by UK businesses and boards as the risks around bribery, fraud, health and safety and cybercrime.” Lord David Currie, Chairman, Competition and M...

/regulation /crime Exposing Financial Crime

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