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399 Results from /cloud

Dane Thacker

Dane Thacker CEO at Toopotech

Trader Voice Goes Domestic! Big firms fluster while others move quickly

As restrictions on working from anywhere but home tighten trading operations are moving at different operational speeds with varying degrees of success. It was a very quick transition from office, to DR facility, to home. People had families, schooling, medical issues and all the other considerations we now know we need to live in isolation. Under...

/cloud /markets Capital Markets Technology

Andrew Beatty

Andrew Beatty Head of Wealth, Retirement & International at FIS

Goodbye Software, Hello Service

In the digital age, parents are often taught by their children. While Baby Boomers are digital immigrants, Millennials/Gen Z/Gen Alpha are all digital natives. Each generation uses the same technology but their relationship with it differs markedly. Boomers grew up seeing technology; Millennials and forward grew up knowing technology. In a similar...

/retail /cloud Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

David Ratnage

David Ratnage Commercial Lending Director, Capital Markets at FIS

All Digital Lending Approaches are Not Created Equal

With on-demand services and faster decisions, digital lending platforms are changing the face of commercial lending. But digital approaches differ – and as banks transform their operations to keep up with online competitors, they need a technology-driven approach that moves beyond speed and takes them into new, unexplored areas. While digital disr...

/wholesale /cloud Capital Markets Technology

Shrey Rastogi

Shrey Rastogi Product Director & Payments Strategist at Temenos

The 2020 Trends Defining the Banking and Payments Industry

Payments in the Cloud A number of key benefits pertaining to banking in the cloud are now widely acknowledged – from scalability, agility and security to future proofing and (perhaps the most significant of all) cost efficiency. So while the debate around whether cloud needs to be a part of a payments players’ future strategy is well settled now, ...

/payments /cloud

Retired Member

Retired Member 

2020: Drive by regulators to adopt tech poses challenges for the firms they police

The overhaul of the financial services industry in the post Great Financial Crisis (GFC) era has created a swathe of new rules and regulations for the regulators to monitor, and financial firms to adhere to. While such changes have presented firms with significant challenges, transforming how they operate and behave on a day-to-day basis, it has c...

/regulation /cloud Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Core finance - taking a strategic approach to cloud

This is the third in a series of three blog posts which looks at how a digital finance transformation enables a future-ready finance department - one that can use data, technology and human talent to go beyond governance to provide commercial leadership to the business. In this series I outline how a digital finance transformation enables efficien...

/regulation /cloud Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Cloud adoption: A 2020 vision

Why is embracing the cloud so challenging? I believe one of main reasons is that for the first time since the early 90s, almost all companies have simultaneously decided to transform their IT estate. The last big change on this scale was when PCs became cheap enough to be deployed on hundreds or thousands of desktops and client-server software was...


Gaurav Sharma

Gaurav Sharma Sr. Industry Principal at Infosys

Banks on the Public Cloud - The final frontier

While historically, banks have been guilty of slacking when it comes to technological evolution, digital disruption has woken them to a harsh reality. If banks don’t get to where their customers are, new-age competition and those leading the way will do so, and in the process mop the marketplace with the erstwhile giants. It is this race for survi...

/cloud Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

Debbie Green

Debbie Green VP of Applications at Oracle

How the CFO can sell boardroom success

The value of a business-focused ERP implementation is often underestimated, and more often than not this is due to a lack of understanding of what this investment means for streamlining businesses processes. Typically, this education process falls to the organisation’s CIO – and whilst the CIO does need to take primary responsibility, finance can ...

/cloud Finance 2.0

Retired Member

Retired Member 

How a focus on the customer can help you fight for a digital finance transformation

This is the first in a series of three blog posts which looks at how a digital finance transformation enables a future-ready finance department - one that can use data, technology and human talent to go beyond governance to provide commercial leadership to the business. In this series we outline how digital finance transformation enables efficient...

/ai /cloud Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

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