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399 Results from /cloud

Adrian Mountstephens

Adrian Mountstephens Business Development, Payments & Banking at Equinix

Banking-as-a-Service (BaaS) Empowers Any Brand to Offer Financial Services

Embedded finance opens new opportunities, but secure data exchange is essential Digital banking is not new – major banks began to offer internet banking services in the mid-1990s. However, the traditional banking industry is facing significant pressure from rapidly shifting consumer expectations, changing regulations and increasing competition fro...

/payments /cloud Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

Ricky Philip

Ricky Philip Content Strategist at ThinkPalm Technologies Pvt Ltd

An Introduction to Microsoft Azure Cloud and Its Benefits for Business!

With the market for cloud solutions growing fast, most enterprises are now using some kind of cloud business solution somewhere in their organization. Why cloud? Because of the evolution of networks and progress of the Internet, after having transformed the way people consume content, are on the verge of changing the way we think about computatio...

/cloud Whatever...

Jussi Karjalainen

Jussi Karjalainen CEO at Valtatech

Clearing the fog around AP automation. Can it really save you cash and drive business value?

Accounts payable (AP) automation is hot right now – a simple search for “AP automation” returns over 80 million results. In fact, a recent report identified that for many, especially in the enterprise space, automating and optimising procure to pay processes has become their highest, near term priority. Surprised? You should not be. The pandemic t...

/payments /cloud Payments strategies 2015-2020-2030

Nataraj Sirisilla

Nataraj Sirisilla Vice President at Temenos

5 SAAS Metrics potential customers can leverage for Evaluation: Data driven, immune to Sales Stunts

SAAS is no more a buzz word and has progressed to be the mainstream way of selling software, it is growing by leaps and bounds and progressing towards being de facto way of selling software. SAAS offers lucrative and predictive revenue model to the vendors and at the same time eases the capex pressure on customers paving a way for win-win situatio...

/cloud IT Metrics

Hasan Nawaz

Hasan Nawaz CEO at HUBUC

How embedded finance can be transformational for insurance

Even before COVID-19 hit, the insurance industry had some major challenges to face. In fact, research from McKinsey highlighted the revenue of the world’s insurance companies declined by $300 billion between 2015 and 2018. The pandemic has given the industry another headache, accelerating the shift towards a full digital economy, pushing even the m...

/payments /cloud Embedded Finance

Tom Ainsworth

Tom Ainsworth Head of Customer Engagement at Jitterbit

Get on the front foot with a tactical approach to data integration

By Tom Ainsworth, Head of Customer Engagement, Jitterbit Every company on the planet has been rocked by the changes to consumer behaviour prompted by the pandemic. But, while some sectors might struggle to find their feet again post-pandemic, the fintech industry has an opportunity to steal a march. With some agile thinking and tactical choices...

/people /cloud Personal Finance

Steve Morgan

Steve Morgan Banking Industry Market Lead at Pegasystems

What is stopping banks from transitioning to the cloud?

The short answer – nothing. For the slightly longer answer, read on. The COVID-19 pandemic has increased demand for the cloud so much that Deloitte forecasts revenue growth among the largest public cloud providers will be at least 30% for 2021. I’d say this is a fair and easy estimate to make. Why is moving to the cloud so popular? Doing so allows...

/retail /cloud Cloud Banking out of the Box

Laura Francis

Laura Francis Head of Brand and Marketing at Form3

Minimising the Risk of Transforming Core Payments Technology

Implementing technical change will always incur risks. But, by putting the right measures in place will ensure that these are kept to a minimum. In their latest report, the Financial Conduct Authority looked into why change related incidents are consistently one of the top causes of failure and operational disruption and highlighted the key ingre...

/payments /cloud Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

Konrad Litwin

Konrad Litwin Global General Manager - Testing at Perforce Software

Questions to ask when modernising IT infrastructure using the cloud

As financial organisations continue their digital transformation, using a cloud-based infrastructure is no longer a choice: it has become a must-have. The debate lies in choosing the right type of cloud environment and the associated tools and processes. There are multiple aspects to bear in mind, and this article does not cover every single one o...

/cloud /devops Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

Nataraj Sirisilla

Nataraj Sirisilla Vice President at Temenos

SAAS-Valency: Sustain Beyond commodification in Banking SAAS

Needless to say, SAAS (Software As A Service) is the buzzword in the software market today across domains and no discussion in IT corridors is complete without mention of SAAS. Banking and Financial services (BFS) are no different to this magic Sauce called SAAS which will make the software sell like peanuts. I am saying peanuts intentionally beca...

/cloud /predictions Cloud Banking out of the Box

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