1034 articles tagged with this keyword
News/Automated teller machines and network services
US-based NCR is axing around 650 jobs at its ATM manufacturing facility in Dundee, Scotland as part of a restructuring of its global manufacturing operations.
11 January 2007
Bank of America and Wells Fargo are offering a combined $80,000 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of thieves who stole ATM units in Arizona.
09 January 2007
Bank of America has teamed with digital mapping firm Tele Atlas to make its national branch and ATM locations available to users of in-car satellite navigation systems and mobile positioning devices.
08 January 2007
US ATM manufacturer NCR says it plans to split its business into two separate companies by spinning off of its Teradata data warehousing unit to shareholders.
UK banks are being forced to re-evaluate contingency strategies to ensure businesses remain open in the event of a bird flu epidemic after a planning exercise organised by UK regulators found that increased staff absences could lead to branch closures and empty cash machines.
05 January 2007
NIBSS, the Nigerian national interbank payment and settlement network operator, is implementing ACI Worldwide's Base24-es platform to drive the Nigeria Central Switch for transferring payments messages around the country.
04 January 2007
Barclays Bank is forecasting that UK consumers will withdraw £490 million from the country's cash machines in a last minute Christmas shopping splurge on Saturday 23 December.
22 December 2006
The UK's banks have agreed to subidise the roll out of more than 600 free-to-use cash machines to some of the country's poorest areas under a deal agreed with ATM operators and the government.
13 December 2006
Australian banking group ANZ is adding ink-staining technology to its cash machines in a bid to deter thieves.
12 December 2006
Security experts are warning that flaws in the way PINs are encrypted and transmitted across international financial networks could allow corrupt bank workers to access the four-digit codes.
21 November 2006
A computer expert who used portable music players to bug ATMs in order to steal the personal details of bank customers has been gaoled in the UK.
20 November 2006
UK payments body Apacs is liaising with banks, card schemes, retailers and systems vendors on the introduction of an authentication system for use in both online and telephone shopping, as the latest fraud figures show rising levels of CNP (card not present) crime.
07 November 2006
Icelandic card issuer Kreditkort is partnering with StepNexus, the owner of the Multos smart card operating system, to enable MasterCard cardholders to upgrade their existing EMV cards to the two factor Chip Authentication Programme (CAP), which provides PIN-based verification of online transactions.
06 November 2006
The Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) is set to roll out 100 free-to-use cash machines across sub-post offices around the UK.
23 October 2006
UK ATM operator Cardpoint has sold its G2 Integrated Solutions (G2IS) business, which provides card-based payment and access control systems, to Group 4 Technology (G4Tec) for £3.2 million.
20 October 2006
UK ATM operator Cardpoint says it is preliminary talks with an un-named suitor that could lead to a potential cash offer of 100 pence per share for the group.
06 October 2006
MasterCard has partnered with California-based BasePoint Analytics to launch an online monitoring tool designed to detect fraudulent PIN debit transactions.
05 October 2006
HSBC, the world's third largest bank, says its heavy investment in technology is beginning to pay off as more business is conducted through lower-cost online channels.
28 September 2006
British banking group HSBC has teamed with BT to launch the first of 50 free-to-use ATMs that are attached to telephone kiosks.
26 September 2006
A security researcher has managed to find the master passwords for the Tranax Mini-Bank ATM unit on the Internet after doing a search on Google.
22 September 2006
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