Automated teller machines and network services

1034 articles tagged with this keyword

/Automated teller machines and network services

Branches hold strong in face of digital onslaught - FDIC

Despite the rise of online and mobile banking, there has been only a modest decline in the number of branches in the US over the last few years, according to research from the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC).

/Automated teller machines and network services

Québec regulator tells bitcoin firms to apply for licenses

Firms operating bitcoin ATMs and trading platforms in Québec have been told that they must obtain a license from the Canadian province's Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF).

/Automated teller machines and network services

Finovate Europe 2015 - Day 2 Roundup

The second and final day of Finovate Europe saw 32 startups take the stage to try and impress a packed crowd of fintech VCs, journalists, bankers and experts. PFM, mobile payments and wealth management all made an appearance, often to a critical audience - while other firms attempted to push the boundaries of fintech, causing a huge buzz within Old Billingsgate and on social media.

/Automated teller machines and network services

Wells Fargo lets customers cash in their rewards at ATMs

Wells Fargo customers can now redeem their credit card rewards in cash or account credit at more than 12,500 ATMs across the US.

/Automated teller machines and network services

Police hunt fugitives behind ATM explosion ring; £800,000 in cash stolen

Merseyside Police are appealing for help to trace two fugitives wanted for a string of successful ATM explosive break-ins across the country.

/Automated teller machines and network services

Swyp bids to replace wallets with a single card

Swyp has become the latest startup to promise to replace the credit, debit, gift and loyalty cards in customers' wallets with a single card and app combo.

/Automated teller machines and network services

Thieves use iPod nano in low-tech ATM skimming fraud

Thieves in Manchester have been recycling redundant iPod nano devices to snap photos of consumers entering their PINs at an ATM machine in a somewhat crude take on traditional skimming fraud.

/Automated teller machines and network services

Diebold whistles in the wind with antimicrobial ATM

The cash in your wallet may be teeming with bacteria, but the ATM could soon become a pestilence-free zone, thanks to a new initiative by Diebold.

/Automated teller machines and network services

Santander hides Secret Santa Jenson Button inside ATM

Santander brought some cheer to customers over Christmas by squeezing Formula 1 driver and Secret Santa Jenson Button inside an ATM.

/Automated teller machines and network services

Kuwait's Boubyan Bank enlists NCR video tech for mini-branch concept

Boubyan Bank has opened a mini-branch at Kuwait International Airport that uses NCR video technology to let customers talk to remote tellers.

/Automated teller machines and network services

New neo-bank Koho targets Canada's Generation Y

A Simple-esque digital neo-bank is launching in Canada, promising to take on the country's big five providers and win over Generation Y.

/Automated teller machines and network services

Man goes on ATM rampage after machine rejects his card

In an uncontrollable fit of ATM rage, a Chinese man took a hammer to nine cash machines in the City of Guangzhou after his bank card was rejected.

/Automated teller machines and network services

Discover fires lawsuit alleging anti-competitive practices at Visa

Discover has filed a lawsuit accusing rival card scheme Visa of anti-competitve practices in its debit card business.

/Automated teller machines and network services

Man spends five hours locked in bank branch

A man spent nearly five hours trapped inside a bank branch yesterday after a technology failure locked the door on him.

/Automated teller machines and network services

RBS suffers another IT glitch

The day after it was fined £56 million over an IT meltdown, Royal Bank of Scotland has suffered a minor glitch which has seen some customers unable to use their credit and debit cards.

/Automated teller machines and network services

South Korean messaging firm partners banks on mobile wallet

South Korean Web giant Daum Kakao has teamed up with 16 banks to launch a mobile wallet service for online, offline and person-to-person payments.

/Automated teller machines and network services

BAI Retail Delivery: Digital banking must go beyond transactional to personalised

There is a widening gap between Americans' digital expectations and what their banks are delivering, but firms that act to shape their use of technology to deliver personalised services could significantly boost their profits, research from Cisco suggests.

/Automated teller machines and network services

NCR to offer bitcoin payments via iPOD POS; activates cash function at video ATM

NCR is to bring bitcoin payments to the high street by integrating support for the crypto-currency via its Silver iPOD point-of-sale device for small business owners.

/Automated teller machines and network services

Translation cock-up sees ATM users offered 'free erections'

Every little helps: a cash machine outside a Tesco store in the Welsh town of Aberystwyth has been offering users "free erections".

/Automated teller machines and network services

In face of mobile money onslaught, Atmia makes pro-cash rallying cry

With mobile money hogging the headlines thanks to the recent launch of Apple Pay, the ATM Industry Association (Atmia) is hitting back with a campaign extolling the virtues of old-fashioned cash.