I appreciate the sentiments, but fear you may have taken on an extremely hard sell with this one. In the current economic climate, I can't see any bank allocating scarce budgetary resources to a dealing room VoIP communications solution - even if the ROI appears rational. If they wouldn't do it during times of plenty, why do it now?
08 Jan 2009 14:49 Read comment
Did I read that right? Fair Isaac is to put development of new decision management applications on the back-burner "to match market delays in client demand". Times must be really tough. Those Q4 sales figures will make for interesting reading.
08 Jan 2009 14:36 Read comment
Blame it on Bernie. Even the most respected funds are now under pressure to have their positions independently valued and verified by outside administrators.
07 Jan 2009 15:21 Read comment
Seems to imply that Barclays has been carrying a lot of IT deadweight through the good times.
07 Jan 2009 14:03 Read comment
Well, the BBC have already brough back Survivors. If Cameron and his chums take office we could be in for a re-run of another 1970s parody - Monty Python's Twit Olympics.
19 Dec 2008 10:37 Read comment
Chip and Pin provides an inadequate defence against instore Eftpos terminal tampering - at least if the UK experience is anything to go by.
16 Dec 2008 15:17 Read comment
From the Mail Online:
Legendary US investor Rogers, who founded the Quantum fund with George Soros, said that without illdeserved cash infusions from the White House $700billion bailout, many American banks would be bust.
'Without giving specific names, most of the significant American banks, the larger banks, are bankrupt, totally bankrupt,' he said.
'What is outrageous economically and is outrageous morally is that normally in times like this, people who are competent and who saw it coming and who kept their powder dry go and take over the assets from the incompetent.
'What's happening this time is that the government is taking the assets from the competent people and giving them to the incompetent people and saying, now you can compete with the competent people. It is horrible economics.'
But, what would happen if we let these too-big-to-fail banks go to the wall?
12 Dec 2008 15:16 Read comment
Cantor's not the only financial firm with stars in its eyes. Arch-rival Icap is apparently set to become a major player in Hollywood through the acquisition of independent film distributor Moving Pictures. Maybe they've decided there's no future in financial markets anymore.
09 Dec 2008 11:30 Read comment
Nice to hear news of someone recruiting for a change. Shame the company's Website seems to be having a bad day - maybe it got knocked over in the rush from desperate jobseekers.
05 Dec 2008 15:19 Read comment
My that's a brave move. I trust all employees will be on danger money.
04 Dec 2008 16:38 Read comment
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